Catholics (novel)

For the film, see Catholics (film).

First edition cover
Author Brian Moore
Country United Kingdom
Language English
Publication date
Pages 102
ISBN 0-224-00767-X
OCLC 610037

Catholics is a novel by Northern Irish-Canadian writer Brian Moore. It was first published in 1972,[1] and was republished in 2006 by Loyola Press with an introduction by Robert Ellsberg and a series of study questions.

Most of the action of the novel takes place on an island monastery off the southwest coast of Ireland. It is set in the future, near the end of the twentieth century after the Fourth Vatican Council. The story tells of a young priest sent by the authorities in Rome to fully implement Church reforms in an Irish monastery that still celebrates the Catholic liturgy according to older rites. The young priest, Kinsella, is initially opposed by the Abbot of the monastery, who tries to preserve his and his monks' way of life. However, the Abbot eventually recognizes the need for—and inevitability of—change. The novel comes to a head when a confrontation between the Abbot and a senior monk, Matthew, nearly undermines the structure of the monastery. The Abbot is plagued by his own doubts in matters of faith. The novel ends on an ambiguous note as the Abbot prays for the first time in years, but in the face of the abandonment of their traditional way of life.


Critic Jo O'Donoghue describes Catholics as "in some ways a paradoxical novel". Like Moore, Kinsella is "a sceptic who respects the beliefs of others but also ... a traditionalist in his attitude to the aesthetic and mystery of belief ...[which] will all be lost under the new dispensation". Catholics, says O'Donoghue, "seems to envisage the ordinary Catholic, lay or clerical, merely exchanging a conservative hegemony for a liberal one. Both, ultimately, are equally tyrannical... In this novel, there is lacking that positive sense of the individual bearing witness to his faith... which emerges so strongly from Cold Heaven, from Black Robe and from The Colour of Blood".[1]

Movie version

Moore also wrote the screenplay for the film version in 1973, which stars Trevor Howard, Martin Sheen, and Cyril Cusack.

Theatrical adaptation

Moore adapted his novel for the stage. The play premiered in Seattle at the ACT Theatre in May 1980. The University of Washington has a copy of the playscript. Gregory A. Falls directed a cast that included David Frederick White (as "Tomas O'Mallery"), Tony Amendola (as "Brother Kevin"), and John Aylward (as "Father Walter").


  1. 1.0 1.1 Jo O'Donoghue (1991). Brian Moore: a critical study. McGill-Queen's University Press. pp. 142–3. ISBN 0-7735-0850-3.

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