Catherine of Burgundy

Statuette of Catherine of Burgundy from the tomb of Isabella of Bourbon, ca. 1476 (National Museum in Warsaw).

Catharine of Burgundy (Montbard, 1378 - Dijon, January 26, 1425) was the second daughter of Philip the Bold, Duke of Burgundy and Margaret III, Countess of Flanders. She was Duchess of Further Austria.

She was married on August 15, 1393 with Leopold IV, Duke of Austria, but she lived mainly in her residence in the Alsace, close to her native Burgundy. Here she ruled like a governor, which made her very unpopular in Austria.

The marriage remained childless and when her husband died in 1411, she returned to Burgundy. Around 1415, she remarried with Maximilian Smassmann von Rappoltstein. This marriage also remained childless and they divorced in 1421.
After her death, she was buried in the Chartreuse de Champmol.


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