Catherine Robbe-Grillet

Catherine Robbe-Grillet (née Rstakian; born 1930) is a French theatre and cinema actress, photographer and writer who has published sadomasochistic writings under the pseudonyms Jean de Berg and Jeanne de Berg.


She was born in Paris, where she attended secondary school and high school.

L'Image, a sadomasochistic novel published in 1956 by éditions de Minuit, was written under the pseudonym Jean de Berg. Radley Metzger made the novel into a 1974 film, The Image, also known as The Punishment of Anne.

She is also the author of Cérémonies de femmes (ed. Grasset) (1985) written under the pseudonym Jeanne de Berg and "Entretien avec Jeanne de Berg" (ed. Les Impressions Nouvelles) (2002) under the name Catherine Robbe-Grillet. In 2004, she wrote, under her own name, Jeune mariée: Journal, 1957-1962 (ed. Fayard), an account of the early years of her marriage. Her most recent publication is "Le Petit Carnet Perdu" (March 2007, ed. Fayard) under the name of Jeanne de Berg.

She had a small part in L'Immortelle (1963) as Catherine Sarayan. Her last appearance as an actress was on stage in 2006 in Une Belle Enfant Blonde a play based on the writings of Dennis Cooper.

She married the French writer and filmmaker Alain Robbe-Grillet in Paris on 23 October 1957 (he died in February 2008).

In 20014 she was the subject of a documentary film called Ceremonin, which examines her life as a member of the BDSM (sadomasochistic) community.


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