Castle of Warfusée

Castle of Warfusée
Type Castle

Castle of Warfusée is a castle located near Liège, Belgium.

One of the loveliest castles in the area, Warfusée was completed in 1753 as a replacement for an earlier Renaissance structure.

The castle served as a summer residence for Charles-Nicolas d'Oultremont, Prince-Bishop of Liège from 1763 to 1771, brother of the proprietor.

Access to the yard is via a gate under a tower with a steeple. The main building is flanked by two lower wings marking the boundaries of a vast yard.

The rich interior has remained pretty much as it was at the time of building.

Article in French

See also

Coordinates: 50°35′06″N 5°22′12″E / 50.585°N 5.370°E