Carve Dat Possum

"Carve Dat Possum"

Cover of "Carve Dat Possum", 1875
Published 1875
Writer Sam Lucas
Language English

"Carve Dat Possum" is a minstrel song written in 1875 by Sam Lucas. Very popular in its time,[1] it tells of hunting and preparing a possum to eat. The chorus:

Carve dat possum, carve dat possum, children,
Carve dat possum, carve him to de heart;
Carve dat possum, carve dat possum, children,
Carve dat possum, carve him to de heart.[2]

The song, as published by Lucas, is in 2/4 time.


  1. Johnson, Black Manhattan, p. 118: "One of the most popular of the minstrel songs of the seventies was 'Carve dat 'Possum,' written by Sam Lucas."
  2. Lucas, "Carve Dat Possum".


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