Carnivores Cityscape

Carnivores Cityscape

Cover art
Developer(s) Sunstorm Interactive
Publisher(s) Infogrames
Engine Serious Engine
Platform(s) Personal computer
Release date(s)
  • NA March 25, 2002
Genre(s) First-person shooter, Action game
  • Single-player
  • Multiplayer
Distribution CD-ROM

Carnivores Cityscape is a first person shooting video game produced by Sunstorm Interactive and released by Infogrames in 2002. It is the fourth game in the Carnivores series.


When a large spacecraft that was ferrying cryogenically-frozen dinosaurs crashes onto a distant planet close to a human settlement, which is the same planet that DinoHunt Corp's headquarters resides. With the dinosaurs running rampant, DinoHunt is forced to hire agents in order to destroy the escapees...but the dinosaurs are more intelligent than they realize, and it becomes a mission to exterminate the now-rapidly spreading dinosaurs before they overrun the planet. The dinosaurs must fight for survival, killing any human in their path, as they spread across the planet.


Carnivores Cityscape allows for two play types; the "Agent" play type and the "Dinosaur" play type. Agents are equipped with ranged weapons to put the dinosaurs out of commission, along with some tactical equipment. The Agent's weaponry includes the X-Rifle, a powerful weapon that can hit multiple targets, the Assault Rifle, a weapon with a high ammo count and great versatility, the Sniper Rifle, which allows you to take out unsuspecting dinosaurs from afar, the Shotgun, which can be a life-saver in close-quarters situations (especially against smaller dinosaurs) and the Grenade Launcher, an extremely powerful weapon that can kill a Giganotosaurus in 4 or 5 shots. The Agent also has both night-vision and thermal goggles.

Dinosaurs have no ranged weapons; only their claws and a lunge. Dinosaurs can also activate a "Dino-Vision", which acts much like a combination of both of the Agent's visors; it allows the dinosaur to see in dark areas and highlights foes in thermal readings.


Wilderness: The opening level of the campaign. As an Agent, you must make your way to the crashed ship while dealing with the escaped dinosaurs. As a dinosaur (Coelophysis), you must escape to the city while avoiding being killed by the Agents.

Cityscape: The second level, this level debuts the second playable dinosaur, "Nanotyrannus". As a dinosaur, you must make your way to the mayor and devour him. As an Agent, you are sent in to rescue the mayor from the rampaging dinosaurs.

Aqueducts: The third level, which debuts the adult Suchomimus. As an Agent, you must make your way to the subway, while as the Dinosaur, you must kill the Agents for food and make your way through the aqueducts.

Subway: The fourth level, which debuts the juvenile Suchomimus. As an Agent, you must rescue train workers from the dinosaurs, while the Dinosaur must make its way to the front car, killing any Agents in its way.

Slums: The fifth level, which sees you play as all of the dinosaurs up to this point. Both sides' mission is to make their way to DinoHunt HQ. This level is the first appearance of the Giganotosaurus in the campaign.

Extraction: The final level, which puts you at the helm of the mighty Giganotosaurus in the Dinosaur campaign. The Agent's objective is to defend the reactor from the dinosaurs, whilst the Dinosaur's mission is to destroy it.



Coelophysis: The smallest, fastest and weakest of the playable dinosaurs, this small theropod is surprisingly lethal, able to kill an Agent in two hits, though it lacks the health to mow them down. Splash damage is highly effective on them as an Agent.

Oviraptor: About on par with the Coelophysis in strength, but weaker than the "Nanotyrannus". Like the Coelophysis, splash damage decimates them.

Nanotyrannus: Above both the Coelophysis and Oviraptor, this tyrannosaurine is slower, but more powerful and larger than them. The larger size means it has a harder time hiding from Agent fire, but the increased health and strength make up for it.

Suchomimus: Comes in two types; Juvenile and Adult. The Juvenile is stronger, but slower than the "Nanotyrannus". The Adult is the second-largest and second-slowest dinosaur in the game. Both can kill an Agent in one hit. Juveniles are usually encountered in groups. Juveniles are killed in one hit from the X-Rifle or the Grenade Launcher. Adults take 3 direct shots from the X-Rifle and 4 hits from the Grenade Launcher to kill.

Giganotosaurus: The strongest dinosaur in the game, but also the slowest. Both of its attacks instantly kill an Agent, but it is slow and a large target. Its large health pool makes up for this, though. It takes about five shots of either the X-Rifle or Grenade Launcher to put the Giganotosaurus down.


Tapejara: A harmless pterosaur, this animal merely flies overhead and does nothing to the player, Agent or Dinosaur.

Alphadon: A small, rat-like primitive mammal, Alphadon is another harmless creature, scurrying about the feet of Agents and feeding on the corpses of Dinosaur-killed Agents.

Tylosaurus: Despite being a carnivorous species, Tylosaurus is relatively harmless, and doesn't attack the player.


Shotgun: A very powerful close-range weapon; though at farther ranges, its power decreases. The Shotgun is useful for disposing of smaller dinosaurs. There are fifty shots in the shotgun's ammo count.

X-Rifle: A powerful weapon with a splash damage radius, the X-Rifle is good for putting high damage on multiple targets; though beware, as the splash damage can hurt you, as well as the dinosaurs. There are forty (40) shots in the X-Rifle.

Sniper Rifle: A weapon for taking out dinosaurs from far ranges and decent at closer ranges, but suffers from a small clip. Holds ten (10) shots.

Grenade Launcher: The most powerful weapon in the game. Like the X-Rifle, the Grenade Launcher has a splash radius, meaning that close-quarters combat with it is not recommended. However, it can kill a Giganotosaurus in 4 or 5 shots. The Grenade Launcher also suffers from another issue; if you miss, the grenade doesn't explode when hitting the ground, but bounces a few feet before exploding. It is also good at controlling packs of Coelophysis.

Handgun: The weakest gun in the game, and the only one that, without cheats, has infinite ammunition. This is only to be used if you have nothing left or are saving ammo, and even then it may be better to simply let a dinosaur kill you and get the ammo for the other weapons back.

Assault Rifle: An extremely useful weapon, the Assault Rifle has crosshairs, allowing for more precise aim. It has good damage, high fire rate and considerable ammo, making it a good backup. It has 120 shots in it.

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