Carnets de Géologie

Carnets de Géologie - Notebooks on Geology  
Discipline Paleontology, Stratigraphy, Sedimentology
Language English, French, Spanish
Edited by Bruno Granier
Publication details
Carnets de Géologie (Spain, France)
Publication history
Frequency Irregular
License Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License
ISSN 1765-2553 (print)
1634-0744 (web)

Carnets de Géologie (alternative titles: Carnets Géol., Carnets Geol., Notebooks on Geology) is an electronic journal that publishes in the field of geosciences, and particularly paleontology, stratigraphy, and sedimentology. The open-access journal is one of the founding members of the OA portal Geoscience e-Journals. Since 2007, it is published by the eponymic association Carnets de Géologie at the University of Western Brittany in Brest, France.


Carnets de Géologie publishes peer-reviewed contributions (memoirs, articles, and letters) on an irregular basis, that is each new paper is released online as soon as possible after the editorial office received the latest reviewed and corrected version from the author(s). These contributions are written either in English, French, or both languages, but articles in Spanish, German, or Italian will also appear. All include titles, abstracts, and keywords in both English and French. In addition to the journal issues, the association also publishes OA e-books. All the journal contents, subject to a Creative Commons 2.5 License, is freely available on the Internet from the main site hosted by the RedIRIS's servers and from institutional open archives sites. A CD or DVD version is issued yearly, a version which after a one-year embargo period can be downloaded free of charge from the server of the Université Libre de Bruxelles Library.


Carnets de Géologie was founded in 2002 by Bruno Granier. The editorial office was first in Maintenon, France, before being moved to Brest in 2004. In 2004 and 2005, agreements were signed respectively with INIST and HAL (hyperarticles en ligne), in order to give a better visibility to the authors' scientific contributions. In 2007 (tome 4) and 2008 (tome 5), 500 sponsored copies of the CD version were issued. In 2009 (tome 6), 2010 (tome 7), 2011 (tome 8), 2012 (tome 9) and 2014 (tome 10), 1000 copies of the DVD version were issued and distributed.

External links