Carlos Ginzburg

Carlos Ginzburg
Born 1946
La Plata
Nationality French & Argentine
Known for Artist
Movement World art

Carlos Ginzburg is a conceptual artist and theoretician born in 1946 in La Plata, Argentina. He studied philosophy and social theory.


Germano Celant, when writing about Arte Povera, invited Ginzburg by letter to join his movement.

As a conceptual artist interested in digital art, fractals chaos and fractal art, Ginzburg created what he calls "homo fractalus" – a concept about microcosm totality.[1]

He has worked with the art critic Pierre Restany (with whom he developed the concept of "Political Ecology") [2] and with Severo Sarduy who put him near Hokusai in "Barroco", one of the reference's books to Le Pli of Gilles Deleuze.

He lives in Paris and works, since 2005, with the art criticism and french artist KolbaSha/Tschann on chaos's destruction and advent paradise.


Personal exhibition

Collectival exhibition

Official collection




Gillo Dorfles

Pierre Restany

Severo Sarduy

Severo Sarduy et Klaus Ottman

Tim Jacobs

Jean-Claude Chirollet (philosophe, esthéticien, spécialiste de l'art fractaliste, Université de Strasbourg):

la Forme, éd. L'Harmattan, Paris, p. 283-295

éd. du Treize Mars, Paris, septembre 1998, p. 112-114

Université du Québec, p. 103-132.

Paul Ardenne


  1. Figaro magazine, 24 avril, France
  2. Journal le Monde, 16 mars, France
  3. Revue Beaux Arts Magazine, Identités, Mars, Paris, France
  4. Revue TechniArt, Mai, Paris, France
  5. Revue Cimaise, Mars, Paris, France
  1. Revue Paris Match, Janvier, France
  2. Revue Science et Avenir, Janvier, France
  1. Le Monde, 29 Nov, France
  2. Revue TechniArt, n°17, France

Articles and text of Carlos Ginzburg

Notes and references

  1. The Leonardo Gallery : Carlos Ginzburg
  2. Curator Pierre Restany, Political Ecology, White Box, New York, 2001