Caritas University

Caritas University is a private Catholic university in Amorji-Nike, Enugu State, Nigeria. Enjoying both state and ecclesiastical approval, it strives to revive in its community the age-long tradition of Catholic education and the exacting demand of contemporary society for sound education rooted in salubrious life-promoting morality.


Caritas University was approved by the federal government of Nigeria on December 16, 2004. It was officially opened on January 21, 2005 by the federal Minister for Education, Prof. Fabian Osuji. The formal opening was on January 31, 2005. The pioneer students of 250 matriculated on May 28, 2005.

It is the second Catholic university in Nigeria founded by Rev. Fr. Prof. Emmanuel Paul Mattew Edeh C.S.Sp, OFR. Although he founded the school, the proprietor of the university is the Congregation of Sisters of Jesus the Saviour, a religious congregation of nuns founded by him.


The University operates on a faculty system. The university operates six faculties: Education and Arts, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Management Sciences, Social Sciences and Natural Sciences.

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