Capital punishment in the United Arab Emirates

Capital punishment is legal in the United Arab Emirates, although it is rarely carried out. The UAE performs executions for multiple crimes. The sole method of execution under Emirati law is firing squad. Current law allows the death penalty for treason, murder, rape, aggravated robbery, kidnapping, terrorism, apostasy from Islam, and drug trafficking, although death sentences are frequently commuted to life sentences. The last execution was in 2014 for murder.[1] It was carried out by firing squad in a prison.

Before that, there was an execution in 2011; the offender was a UAE local male, who molested and killed a child. The crime was so horrific that even the offender's lawyer decided to pull out of the case. [2]

Sarah Balabagan case

In 1995, [Sarah Balabagan], a Filipino worker, caught the attention of many people living in the UAE. She was reported to have murdered her employer in his Al Ain house, although she has always maintained that she only killed him in self-defence after he tried to rape her. After the UAE president himself got involved, Sarah was set free and had to pay compensation instead. However, she was deported back to her country and her right to remain in the country was cancelled.[3]


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