
Canthium coromandelicum
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Asterids
Order: Gentianales
Family: Rubiaceae
Subfamily: Ixoroideae
Tribe: Vanguerieae
Genus: Canthium
Type species
Canthium coromandelicum
(Burm.f.) Alston
Canthium coromandelicum
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Canthium is a genus of flowering plants in the Rubiaceae family. They are shrubs and small trees. The leaves are deciduous and the stems are usually thorny.


They are native to India, Sri Lanka, eastern and southern Africa, Madagascar, Seychelles, China, Southeast Asia, New Guinea, and some of the islands of the Pacific.[1]


Canthium was named by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck in 1785 in Encyclopédie Méthodique.[2] The name is a latinisation of "kantankara", a Malayalam name from Kerala for Canthium coromandelicum. Kantan means "shining" and kara means "a spiny shrub".[3] The biological type for the genus consists of specimens originally described by Jean-Baptiste Lamarck as Canthium parviflorum[4] but this species is now included in Canthium coromandelicum.[1] Canthium is a member of Vanguerieae, a tribe that is monophyletic and easily recognized morphologically, but in which generic boundaries were, for a long time, very unclear.[5] Canthium was especially problematic, and until the 1980s, it was defined broadly and known to be polyphyletic. Psydrax was separated from it in 1985,[6] as was Keetia in 1986.[7] These were followed by Pyrostria and Multidentia in 1987.[8][9] The subgenus Afrocanthium was raised to generic rank in 2004,[10] followed by Bullockia in 2009.[11] A few species were transferred to Canthium from Rytigynia and other genera in 2004 but the final circumscription of Canthium will remain in doubt until phylogenetic studies achieve greater resolution for the clade containing Canthium coromandelicum and its closest relatives.[10]


  • Canthium aciculatum Ridl.
  • Canthium angustifolium Roxb.
  • Canthium approximatum Korth.
  • Canthium arboreum Vidal
  • Canthium aurantiacum Merr. & L.M.Perry
  • Canthium bakerianum Drake
  • Canthium berberidifolium Geddes
  • Canthium bipinnatum (Blanco) Merr.
  • Canthium brunneum (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium calvum Craib
  • Canthium cambodianum Pit.
  • Canthium campanulatum Thwaites
  • Canthium carinatum (Baker) Summerh.
  • Canthium cavaleriei H.Lév.
  • Canthium ciliatum (D.Dietr.) Kuntze
  • Canthium coffeoides Pierre ex Pit.
  • Canthium confertum Korth.
  • Canthium congestiflorum Ridl.
  • Canthium cordatum Dillwyn
  • Canthium coromandelicum (Brum.f.) Alston
  • Canthium culionense (Elmer) Merr.
  • Canthium depressinerve Ridl.
  • Canthium ellipticum (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium elmeri Merr.
  • Canthium fenicis (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium ferrugineum Craib
  • Canthium filipendulum Pierre ex Pit.
  • Canthium fraternum Miq.
  • Canthium glabrum Blume
  • Canthium glandulosum (Blanco) Merr.
  • Canthium glaucum Hiern
  • Canthium gracilipes Kurz
  • Canthium gynochthodes Baill.
  • Canthium hebecladum DC.
  • Canthium hirtellum Ridl.
  • Canthium hispidonervosum (De Wild.) C.M.Evrard
  • Canthium homolleanum Cavaco
  • Canthium horridulum Craib
  • Canthium horridum Blume
  • Canthium inerme (L.f.) Kuntze
  • Canthium korthalsianum Miq.
  • Canthium kuntzeanum Bridson
  • Canthium laeve Teijsm. & Binn.
  • Canthium lasianthoides Miq.
  • Canthium leytense (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium libericum Dinkl.
  • Canthium longipes Geddes
  • Canthium lucidum R.Br.
  • Canthium macrocarpum Thwaites
  • Canthium megacarpum (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium megistocarpum Merr. & L.M.Perry
  • Canthium merrillianum Mabb.
  • Canthium merrillii (Setch.) Christoph.
  • Canthium mite Bartl. ex DC.
  • Canthium molle King & Gamble
  • Canthium moluccanum Roxb.
  • Canthium monstrosum (A.Rich) Merr.
  • Canthium neilgherrense Wight
  • Canthium oblongifolium Quisumb. & Merr.
  • Canthium oblongum (Valeton) Kaneh.
  • Canthium obovatifolium (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium oliganthum (Miq.) Boerl.
  • Canthium oligocarpum Hiern
  • Canthium oligophlebium (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium parvifolium Roxb.
  • Canthium paucinervium (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium pedunculare Cav.
  • Canthium perakanthus ined.
  • Canthium polyanthum Miq.
  • Canthium puberulum Thwaites ex Hook.f.
  • Canthium quadratum Craib
  • Canthium ramosii (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium rheedei DC.
  • Canthium sarcocarpum (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium sarmentosum Craib
  • Canthium scabridum Ridl.
  • Canthium scandens Blume
  • Canthium schlechterianum Merr. & L.M.Perry
  • Canthium sechellense Summerh.
  • Canthium siamense (Harms) Pit.
  • Canthium simile Merr. & Chun
  • Canthium sordidum (K.Schum.) Bullock
  • Canthium spinosissimum Merr.
  • Canthium spinosum (Klotzsch ex Eckl. & Zeyh.) Kuntze
  • Canthium spirostylum Miq.
  • Canthium stellulatum Craib
  • Canthium strigosum Craib
  • Canthium strychnoides Craib
  • Canthium subaureum Craib
  • Canthium subcapitatum (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium suberosum Codd
  • Canthium subsessilifolium (Merr.) Merr.
  • Canthium sumatranum Miq.
  • Canthium tavoyanum (R.Parker) Merr.
  • Canthium travancoricum Bedd.
  • Canthium trichophorum Quisumb. & Merr.
  • Canthium umbelligerum Miq.
  • Canthium vanwykii Tilney & Kok
  • Canthium villarii Vidal
  • Canthium violaceum Zoll. & Moritzi
  • Canthium wenzelii (Merr.) Merr.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Bridson DM (1992). "The genus Canthium (Rubiaceae - Vanguerieae) in tropical Africa". Kew Bulletin 47 (3): 353–401. doi:10.2307/4110569.
  2. Lamarck J-B (1785). Encyclopédie méthodique par ordre des matières 1. p. 602.
  3. Quattrocchi U (2000). CRC World Dictionary of Plant Names 1. Boca Raton, New York, Washington DC, London: CRC Press. ISBN 978-0-8493-2675-2.
  4. Canthium In: Index Nominum Genericorum. In: Regnum Vegetabile
  5. Lantz H, Bremer B (2005). "Phylogeny of the complex Vanguerieae (Rubiaceae) genera Fadogia, Rytigynia, and Vangueria with close relatives and a new circumscription of Vangueria". Plant Systematics and Evolution 253: 159–183. doi:10.1007/s00606-005-0313-9.
  6. Bridson DM (1985). "The reinstatement of Psydrax (Rubiaceae, subfam. Cinchonoideae tribe Vanguerieae) and a revision of the African species". Kew Bulletin 40 (4): 687–725. doi:10.2307/4109853.
  7. Bridson DM (1986). "The reinstatement of the African genus Keetia (Rubiaceae subfam. Cinchonoideae tribe Vanguerieae)". Kew Bulletin 41 (4): 965–994. doi:10.2307/4102996.
  8. Bridson DM (1987). "Studies in African Rubiaceae - Vanguerieae: a new circumscription of Pyrostria and a new subgenus, Canthium subgen. Bullockia". Kew Bulletin 47 (3): 611–639. doi:10.2307/4110068.
  9. Bridson DM (1987). "The recognition and recircumscription of the African genus Multidentia (Rubiaceae - Vanguerieae)". Kew Bulletin 47 (3): 641–654. doi:10.2307/4110069.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Lantz H, Bremer B (2004). "Phylogeny inferred from morphology and DNA data: characterizing well-supported groups in Vanguerieae (Rubiaceae)". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 146 (3): 257–283. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8339.2004.00338.x.
  11. Razafimandimbison SG, Lantz H, Mouly A, Bremer B (2009). "Evolutionary trends, major lineages, and new generic limits in the dioecious group of the tribe Vanguerieae (Rubiaceae): insights into the evolution of functional dioecy". Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 96 (1): 161–181. doi:10.3417/2006191.

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