Canna liliiflora

Canna liliiflora
Canna liliiflora, only white, perfumed canna.
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Monocots
(unranked): Commelinids
Order: Zingiberales
Family: Cannaceae
Genus: Canna
Species: C. liliiflora
Binomial name
Canna liliiflora
Warsc. ex Planch.

Canna liliiflora is a species of the Canna genus, a member of the family Cannaceae, and a native of Peru and Bolivia. It is a perennial growing to 3m. It is hardy to zone 10 and is frost tender. In the north latitudes it is in flower from August to October, and the seeds ripen in October. The flowers are hermaphrodite (have both male and female organs).



In the last three decades of the 20th century, Canna species have been categorised by two different taxonomists, Paulus Johannes Maria Maas from the Netherlands and Nobuyuki Tanaka from Japan. Both taxonomists are in agreement that C. liliiflora is a distinct and separate species.

Canna liliiflora Warsc. ex Planch.

(Lily-flowered). Flower 10–13 cm. (4-5") long, Honeysuckle-scented, in a short, terminal raceme; perianth tubular, the three outer petaloid lobes linear-oblong, convolute, reflexed, tinged green, the three inner ones straight and extended, recurved at end, white, tinted yellowish-green. Leaves large, Musa-like, oblong, acuminate. Stems stout, erect. Height 2–3 metres (6-10feet) A fine plant. (F.d.S. 1055-6; R. H. 1884, 132.)


The species prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay) soils and requires well-drained soil. The preferred soil is acid, neutral and basic (alkaline). It cannot grow in the shade and requires moist soil.


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See also