Canal of Nuck

Canal of Nuck
Latin processus vaginalis peritonei femininus
Gray's p.1261
Anatomical terminology

The canal of Nuck, first described by Anton Nuck in 1691,[1][2] is an abnormal patent (open) pouch of peritoneum extending into the labia majora of women. It is analogous to the processus vaginalis in males (see hydrocele). In rare cases, it may give rise to a cyst or a hydrocele in women. The pouch accompanies the gubernaculum during development of the urinary and reproductive organs, more specifically during the descent of the ovaries, and normally obliterates.

See also


  1. synd/2644 at Who Named It?
  2. A. Nuck. Adenographia curiosa et uteri foeminei anatome nova. Leiden, 1691, page 130.


  1. Block RE. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck. A report of five cases. Obstet Gynecol 1975; 45:464-6
  2. Stickel WH, Manner M. Female hydrocele (cyst of the canal of Nuck): Sonographic appearance of a rare and little-known disorder. J. Ultrasound Med 2004; 23: 429-432
  3. Meulder F, Wojciechowski M, Hubens G, Ramet J. Female hydrocele of the canal of Nuck: a case report. Eur J Pediatr 2006; 165: 193-194
  4. Counseller VS, Black BM. Hydrocele of the canal of Nuck: Report of seventeen cases. Ann Surg 1941; 113: 625-630
  5. Miklos JR, Karram MM, Silver E, Reid R. Ultrasound and hookwire needle placement for localization of a hidrocele of the canal of Nuck. Obstet Gynecol 1995; 85: 884-886
  6. Chandrasekharan LV, Rajagopal AS. The hydrocele of the canal of Nuck: an ultrasound diagnosis. Internet Journal of Radiology 2006; 4:2
  7. Caviezel A, Montet X, Schwartz J, Egger JF, Iselin CE. Female Hydrocele: The cyst of Nuck. Urol Int 2009; 82: 242-245
  8. Hebra, A. Pedriatric Hernias. Emedicine. 8/1/10 <>.

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