Campbell (surname)

Family name

Campbell surname map
Region of origin Scotland
Footnotes: Frequency Comparisons: [1]

Campbell is primarily a Scottish family name of Gaelic origins.

In Scotland, the name itself derives from two Scottish Gaelic words. "Cam" and "Béal" meaning "Crooked mouth" or "wry-mouthed", originally a nickname which over time became used as a surname.[2]

Campbell is the third common surname in Northern Ireland, fourth most common in Jamaica, seventh most common in Scotland, 12th most common in Canada, 18th most common in Australia, 41st most common in the United States and 65th most common in England.[1]

The most common Irish derivation is from the surname Mac Cathmhaoil. Descendants of a famous war-leader named Cathmhaoil took the surname, and was often pronounced as "Cammle". This coincidentally was the same pronunciation as the Scottish surname "Campbell". From this Irish surname, a number of derivations were arrived including MacCawill, McCaul, MacCall, Caulfield, and of course Campbell.[3]

Notable persons named Campbell

  • Several people named Alexander Campbell
  • Several people named Alistair Campbell
  • Several people named Andrew Campbell
  • Several people named Archibald Campbell
  • Several people named Arthur Campbell
  • Several people named Bruce Campbell
  • Several people named Carol Campbell
  • Several people named Charles Campbell
  • Several people named Colin Campbell
  • Several people named Daniel Campbell
  • Several people named Dave Campbell
  • Several people named David Campbell
  • Several people named Donald Campbell
  • Several people named Duncan Campbell
  • Several people named Edward Campbell

  • Several people named George Campbell
  • Several people named Glen Campbell
  • Several people named Gordon Campbell
  • Several people named Graeme Campbell
  • Several people named Gregory Campbell
  • Several people named Ian Campbell
  • Several people named Jack Campbell
  • Several people named James Campbell
  • Several people named Jim Campbell
  • Several people named Jimmy Campbell
  • Several people named John Campbell
  • Several people named Joseph Campbell
  • Several people named Julia Campbell
  • Several people named Ken Campbell
  • Several people named Kevin Campbell

  • Several people named Lorne Campbell
  • Several people named Mary Campbell
  • Several people named Michael Campbell
  • Several people named Neil Campbell
  • Several people named Patrick Campbell
  • Several people named Phil Campbell
  • Several people named Philip Campbell
  • Several people named Robert Campbell
  • Several people named Roy Campbell
  • Several people named Samuel Campbell
  • Several people named Scott Campbell
  • Several people named Steven Campbell
  • Several people named Thomas Campbell
  • Several people named Timothy Campbell
  • Several people named William Campbell

Military and politics


Television and film

Music, art, and literature

Science and education


See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Campbell Surname Meaning and Distribution". Retrieved 21 January 2014
  2. Partick Woulfe (March 2010). Irish Names and Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Com. ISBN 978-0-8063-0381-9. Retrieved 15 March 2012.
  3. Alastair Campbell (September 2000). A history of Clan Campbell. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 5–. ISBN 978-1-902930-17-6. Retrieved 15 March 2012.