Camp Tel Yehudah

Deer in the early morning at Camp Tel Yehudah

Camp Tel Yehudah is the official national teen leadership camp of Young Judaea, the premiere Zionist youth movement in North America. It is located in Barryville, New York and provides immersive, summer experiences for Jewish teenagers from ages 13–17 (going into high school up until college.) It is located on the banks of the Delaware River.

There are two sections of the campus, Aleph and Bet. Aleph is a bit older with cozy bunks (most that have bathrooms but not showers), and many apple trees. Discussions often take place under the apple trees. To shower, campers have to walk to the bathhouse.

Bet looks a bit like an army camp. The bunks are built in a horseshoe shape with the dining hall and beit ha'am at the opening of the horseshoe. There is a staff house in Bet, that is supposedly haunted by the ghost of Rebecca Quick.

Rebecca Quick is a woman who, after widowed by her husband, killed her three stepsons in a period of three years, all on August 22. The spirit or "ghost" of Rebecca Quick has in a few cases, disturbed the staff and campers. Rebecca Quick lived on the property of camp Tel Yehudah until her disappearance sometime in the late 19th century.

Tel Yehudah used to have four sessions: Regular (now called Alumim) - where first time campers learned about Jewish history. Ulpan - where campers learned Hebrew through songs, Israeli folk-dances, and conversation, Machon - leadership training, and Machoneh Avodah (affectionately called M.A.), during which teens lived in the tents, prepared their own meals, grew vegetables, and milked cows. M.A. was meant to simulate life on a kibbutz in order to prepare graduates who would be making aliyah and living on Kibbutzim around Israel. Later, M.A. was changed to "Machaneh Hachshara" (M.H.).

Currently, the different age groups are Alumim (rising 9th graders learn about general Jewish and Zionist history), Yachad (rising 10th graders take part in programs centered around the importance of togetherness and community), and Hadracha (rising 11th graders learn how to be successful leaders). Each group has different trips: Alumim goes rafting and to Philadelphia, Yachad has Special Interest Week (campers (chanichim) choose to go biking, backpacking, kayaking, or to New York City, where they take part in social action), and Hadracha goes to Washington, D.C. for a "Day on the Hill."

In 2008, a delegation from Young Judaea's sister-movement, the Federation of Zionist Youth (FZY) in the United Kingdom, attended Camp Tel Yehudah's second session. This group, which was called Hanhaga, consisted of thirty 16-17 year old teenagers from across the Atlantic Ocean. Despite conflicting patriotism between the British group and American hosts, the visiting delegation integrated with ease and are unlikely to be forgotten any time soon.

Seniors who will be graduating from high school can apply to work at camp in support roles. There are positions such as babysitters, kitchen help, logistics and office staff.

Each summer, campers put on plays. They say the ha-motzi before eating meals, and sing the Birkat Hamazon afterwards. They often sing songs out of the Young Judaea shiron-a book of Jewish songs and prayers- and dance around the Hadar Ochel (dining hall).

The Hadar Ochel at TY, with campers and staff walking around after lunch.

The Bet Am, a large wooden building at the heart of the Aleph section, is where plays, dances and many major activities happen at the camp. The inner walls are covered with murals of the names of campers from decades past. While some older murals have been painted over by newer campers, one of the most lasting and best known camper painting is of Homero Rivas, which appears on the inside of the building's roof. The Israeli singer David Broza played on a stage outside the Bet Am during a reunion event at the camp many years ago. A lot of people reported that they enjoyed the show.

See also

Young Judaea

External links