Camp Striker

Camp Striker was one of several logistical and life support bases on Victory Base Complex, Iraq (near Camp Victory).

Amenities on Camp Striker include a Burger King, Pizza Hut and Green Beans Coffee cafe, as well as an AAFES PX and several third-party markets. The Dining Facility (DFAC) is purported to be the second largest in Iraq. In November 2007, the 1.2 mile main road on Striker was paved.

Camp Striker was established in 2003 by the 2nd Brigade, 1st Armored Division (United States), known as the "Strike Hard" Brigade. Members of the brigade are referred to as "Strikers". Although the spelling of the camp has been at times spelled as "Stryker" (as in the armored vehicle), the spelling was officially fixed as "Striker" in January 2009 by order of the Victory Base Complex Garrison Commander.