
The poisoning of Camma and Synorix in the temple of Diana (Charles Poerson, 17th century).

In Plutarch's On the Bravery of Women, Camma was a Galatian princess and priestess of Artemis. She was wedded to the tetrarch Sinatus, and became known and admired for her virtue and beauty. Sinatus' rival, another tetrarch named Sinorix, murdered Sinatus and proceeded to woo Camma herself. Rather than submit to Sinorix' advances, Camma took him to a temple of Artemis where she served poisoned milk and honey to herself and him. Camma died happily, according to Plutarch, in the knowledge that she had avenged the death of her husband.[1]


  1. Plutarch. De Mulierum Virtutibus, in the Moralia. Published online by Bill Thayer.