Camille Rose Garcia

Royal Disorder Poison Party, 2005.

Camille Rose Garcia (born November 18, 1970)[1] is a Los Angeles-based lowbrow artist. She produces paintings, prints and sculpture in a gothic, "creepy" cartoon style. She cites as influences Walt Disney and Philip K. Dick.[2]

Critical reception

Paula Rogers, a KQED art critic and self-styled fan of Camille Rose Garcia, reviewed Garcia’s mid-career retrospective, Tragic Kingdom: The Art of Camille Rose Garcia at the San Jose Museum of Art:

“Garcia’s pretty pictures (lack) specific meaning and specific context…their insistent vagueness, smugness, blanket pronouncements, lack of nuance and grating self-righteousness add up to a static portrait / shallow response to something complex: I get it; things are bad. It's disappointing to find out that the impetus for these works isn't skillful.”[3]


2000 - The Happiest Place on Earth - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2001 - The Soft Machine - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2002 - Retreat Syndrome - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2003 - Operation:Opticon - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2004 - Ultraviolence Land - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2005 - Plan B - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2005 - Dreamtime Escape Plan - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2006 - Subterranean Death Clash - Jonathan LeVine Gallery

2007 - Doomcave Daydreams -Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2008 - Ambien Somnambulants - Jonathan LeVine Gallery

2009 - Down the Rabbit Hole - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2010 - The Hydra of Babylon - Merry Karnowsky Gallery

2011 - Sneewittenhen und die Schwarze Lagune - Michael Kohn Gallery

2013 - Down the Rabbit Hole - The Walt Disney Family Museum

2013 - Black Moon - Sloan Fine Arts

2014 - Black Moon NYC - Sloan Fine Arts



  1. California Births, 1905 - 1995, Camille R. Garcia
  2. "Camille Rose Garcia Bio". Retrieved 2011-04-11.
  3. "Art Review - Camille Rose Garcia: Tragic Kingdom". Retrieved 2011-04-11.

External links