Cameroon–Russia relations

Cameroon-Russia relations



Cameroon–Russia relations (Russian: Российско-камерунские отношения) refers to bilateral foreign relations between the two countries, Cameroon and Russia. Russia has an embassy in Yaoundé, and Cameroon has an embassy in Moscow. Russia-Cameroon ties are traditionally friendly.

Bilateral Relations

Diplomatic relations were established between Cameroon and Russia on February 20, 1964 The legal base. A number of bilateral agreements: trade (24/10/1962), cultural cooperation (22/03/1963), economic and technical cooperation (04/12/1963), air (11/11/1979) on cooperation in the field of television ( May 1984), a protocol on mutual recognition of equivalence of certificates and degrees (04/14/1989). Political contacts. Cameroon in 1995 a delegation of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of Russia. In May 1996 in Russia were on a return visit Cameroonian parliamentarians. In November 2000, Cameroon TRAVEL State Duma delegation headed by the Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Georgy Boos. In October 2003, the visit of the parliamentary delegation to Russia, Cameroon, led by the chairman of the National Assembly D.K.Yegie. The two countries have regular political consultations on international issues and bilateral relations between the foreign ministries. Recent ministerial consultations held in Yaounde in August 2010, in January of this year in Moscow on a working visit to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cameroon A.E.Ayissi, during which a Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and MBC of Cameroon on the mechanism for political consultations. There Sergey Lavrov's invitation to visit Cameroon to visit. Striving Cameroonian side to promote cooperation with Russia confirmed held November 7, 2006 Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Alexander Saltanov and President of Cameroon Paul Biya who was in the Russian capital, Moscow. During the conversation, the Cameroonian leader praised the trade and economic sphere as priority areas of bilateral cooperation. In July 2007, Biya visited Moscow in connection with the death of the then Ambassador of Cameroon Minister of Foreign Affairs Jean-M.Atangana. During his meeting with Sergey Lavrov stressed the readiness for political cooperation between the two countries registered parties' desire to intensify trade and economic contacts. In October and December 2010, had telephone conversations of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President of the Republic of Cameroon, Paul Biya, during which confirmed their mutual interest in enhancing cooperation between the two countries. At the request of the Russian side Cameroon supported during the election of the host country of the World Cup in 2018. In December 2004 he was appointed Honorary Consul of Russia in Douala, who became a citizen of Cameroon J.-M. Chuissang, a graduate of a Russian university.

Trade and economic relations

Russian business structures from Cameroon imported coffee, cocoa, fine wood, raw material for soap industry. Among the Russian goods entering Cameroon products is dominated by organic fertilizers, cast iron products, steel, electrical equipment. The volume of trade - about 6 million. Contacts are between regions: in Cameroon reported the St. Petersburg stock companies "motorhome" and "Ekspolayn" representing the interests of business organizations of Leningrad region and the North-West region. In 2009, in Yaoundé, a delegation of "Zarubezhvodstroy", met with the Minister of Energy and Water Resources and the management of Cameroon Cameroonian company EDC. The agreed text of a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the construction of the participation "Zarubezhvodstroya" two dams in the north. In January 2010, a visit to Cameroon delegation of OAO "Gazprom Neft" headed by Vice-President B.S.Zilbermintsem. As a result of contact with the Cameroonian partners worked out the possible involvement of "Gazprom oil" in oil tenders for offshore fields of the country. In the course of this May visit to Cameroon delegation RUSAL with the Cameroon Government signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on the development of bauxite deposits in Cameroon and a specific timetable outlined in this direction. The result achieved in 2008 in Yaoundé agreements the Russian company "Coffee on shares" provides a regular supply of coffee to Russia (in 2010 – 2000 m). The company plans to create its own production in Cameroon for the primary processing of coffee. Interest in the development of cooperation in the supply of automotive and agricultural applications with Cameroon shows the Russian Association "Tyazhpromexport." In 2008, in Yaounde and Douala exhibition-presentation of Russian companies, the exhibition organized by the Russian agency "Expotech-round." In 2009, at the initiative of the Cameroonian side, Moscow hosted the first joint business forum. In the last period to enhance bilateral cooperation in the field of education, particularly through the expansion of training Cameroonian personnel on a reimbursable basis. In Yaounde appreciate our assistance to train Cameroonian personnel. Only in the universities of the country produced about 2,000 Cameroonian professionals. Since 1997, the restored annual scholarships (20) for the training of Cameroonians in Russia the state line (10 - to complete the course and graduate school), but they are used only partially. In 2010/2011 academic year, accepted to study at Russian universities on contract made 30.

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