Calypso de El Callao

During the 19th century Trinidadians and other Caribbean islanders began migration to Venezuela, particularly to the city of El Callao to work in the gold mines. They brought the music of Calypso with them, which later became very popular in the city. The folk music is a mixture of Venezuelan and Caribbean genres and is sung in Spanish and/or Caribbean English. It is closely associated with the Carnival festival, a tradition also brought by the West Indian people.


In the carnival months of February and March, Calypso is performed with competitions, where the winners are crowned Calypso King and Queen. Calypso or as the town's people call it "Calipso" is one of a popular cultural tradition. Popular insturuments used in the performance of the music are the drums, cuatro, maracas, guitar, bandolin, violin and the steel drum.


  1. Bacanal
  2. Bolívar Band
  3. Calipsos de Oro
  4. Caribbean Sound
  5. Cuatro y Bumbac
  6. Desorden Público
  7. Family Ground
  8. Jacker y su Banda
  9. Kaiko
  10. La Rosca
  11. Leyendas de la Salsa
  12. Los Adolescentes
  13. Nueva Generacion
  14. Nueva Onda
  15. Pueblo
  16. Renovación del Calipso
  17. The Same People
  18. The Young people
  19. VIP Show
  20. VP Calipso
  21. Yuruari's Calipso
  22. A-1 Calipso
  23. Miguel y sus Muchachos

External links

  1. El Callao
  2. The Same People