Calamus (DTP)

Calamus is a desktop publishing application, built for the Atari ST computer. The first version was released on July 1st, 1987 by the former German software company DMC GmbH. Calamus is still supported by its German owner company, invers Software, and also runs under a built-in and transparent Atari emulator on Windows, or on other platforms such as Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X, using any available TOS emulator.

Calamus is a software RIP application which generates high-quality output in any resolution. It was one of the first DTP applications supporting an own vector font format. Its high modularity offers features for almost every purpose in desktop publishing. Calamus also was one of the first DTP apps to support real virtual objects and frames, nondestructive vector masks, and editable PS/PDF import. Its (adjustable) measurement base of 1/10,000mm allows accurate positioning of elements.

Calamus was ported to Windows by MGI Software and was released as Calamus 95.

The current version of Calamus is Calamus SL2006, also available as SLC2006 (complete edition with all additional modules) and L2006 (lite edition with restricted number of modules).

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