

Cabrito  ka'brito  is roast goat kid. It is a regional specialty of the city of Monterrey, Mexico, and the surrounding state of Nuevo Leon, based on the Jewish cuisine of the founders of the city. The name is also applied to a goat kid (not just roasted) in Northeast Region, Brazil, especially in the Sertão Nordestino. The goat being about 3 months old. It is slow-cooked over a charcoal fire for about eight hours, turning it every 15-20 minutes.

Cabrito is also a regional specialty of Córdoba Province in Argentina, especially the town of Quilino, which has a festival in its honour. "Chivito" differs from "cabrito" in that chivito is a slightly older animal with less tender meat. The chivito has already begun to eat solid foods, whereas the cabrito is still a suckling.

In northern Mexico, cabrito is cooked in a variety of ways:

See also