CIRDAP (Centre on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific) is a Bangladeshi intergovernmental organization involved in rural development and poverty alleviation. It was established on 6 July 1979 at the initiative of the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations with support from several other UN bodies and donors. Initially it had six members countries and has grown to fifteen. It is headquartered in Chameli House,in front of the Supreme court of Bangladesh Dhaka.

The member countries are:

Meeting developments


  1. Regional Cooperation Crucial for Watershed Management,

Seminar on CIRDAP’s 31st Foundation Day, Dhaka, 6 July 2010.

  1. Second Ministerial Meeting on Rural Development in Asia and the Pacific, 27–28 January 2010, Dhaka
  2. Seventeenth Regular Meeting of the CIRDAP Governing Council (GC-17), 25 January 2010, Dhaka
  3. Twenty-Seventh Regular Meeting of the CIRDAP Executive Committee (EC-27), 24 January 2010, Dhaka
  4. Fourth Regional Policy Dialogue on Sustainable Rural Livelihoods, 26 January 2010, CIRDAP, Dhaka
  5. Initiation of the ICT Centre at the CIRDAP International Conference (ICC), 26 January 2010, CIRDAP, Dhaka
  6. Training-cum-Exposure visit on Micro-Finance in Bangladesh for Indian Officials, 05-12 February 2010 (STST.56), Dhaka
  7. Twenty Fifth Meeting of CIRDAP Technical Committee (TC-25), 26–29 July 2009, Tehran, Islamic .Republic of Iran
  8. Policy Dialogue on Success Story of Malaysia on Rural Transformation and Poverty Reduction, 27-30, April 2009, Langkawi, Malaysia.
  9. Ministerial Retreat for Rural Development Ministers of CIRDAP Member Countries


* To assist national action and promote regional co-operation relating to Integrated Rural Development (IRD), in the region
