
CER-203: CPU testing
Block diagram

CER (Serbian: Цифарски Електронски РачунарDigital Electronic Computer) model 203 was an early digital computer developed by Mihajlo Pupin Institute (Serbia) in 1971. It was designed to process data of medium sized businesses:


Central Processing:

Primary memory:

Punched tape reader:

'Tape puncher:

Parallel Line Printer 667:

Independent Printer M 30:

Magnetic cassettes 4096:

Magnetic Tape Drives:

See also


1) M.Momcilovic, D.Hristovic, P.Vrbavac et al.:"Domaci cifarski el.racunari CER", Zbornik Savetovanja AOP u preduzecima, pp. 38–58, Nova Varos YU, May 22, 1969. (in Serbian);

2) Miodrag Momcilovic, Miladin Dabic:"Domaci el. sistem za obradu podataka CER 203", Proc.of the VI yougoslav Symposium on AOP, Zagreb, 1972. (in Serbian).
