
CD83 molecule
SymbolsCD83 ; BL11; HB15
External IDsOMIM: 604534 MGI: 1328316 HomoloGene: 3121 GeneCards: CD83 Gene
RNA expression pattern
More reference expression data
RefSeq (mRNA)NM_001040280NM_001289915
RefSeq (protein)NP_001035370NP_001276844
Location (UCSC)Chr 6:
14.12 – 14.14 Mb
Chr 13:
43.79 – 43.8 Mb
PubMed search

CD83 (Cluster of Differentiation 83) is a human protein encoded by the CD83 gene.[1]

See also


Further reading

  • Lechmann M, Berchtold S, Hauber J, Steinkasserer A (2002). "CD83 on dendritic cells: more than just a marker for maturation.". Trends Immunol. 23 (6): 273–5. doi:10.1016/S1471-4906(02)02214-7. PMID 12072358.
  • Zhou LJ, Schwarting R, Smith HM, Tedder TF (1992). "A novel cell-surface molecule expressed by human interdigitating reticulum cells, Langerhans cells, and activated lymphocytes is a new member of the Ig superfamily.". J. Immunol. 149 (2): 735–42. PMID 1378080.
  • Zhou LJ, Tedder TF (1995). "Human blood dendritic cells selectively express CD83, a member of the immunoglobulin superfamily.". J. Immunol. 154 (8): 3821–35. PMID 7706722.
  • Maruyama K, Sugano S (1994). "Oligo-capping: a simple method to replace the cap structure of eukaryotic mRNAs with oligoribonucleotides.". Gene 138 (1–2): 171–4. doi:10.1016/0378-1119(94)90802-8. PMID 8125298.
  • Kozlow EJ, Wilson GL, Fox CH, Kehrl JH (1993). "Subtractive cDNA cloning of a novel member of the Ig gene superfamily expressed at high levels in activated B lymphocytes". Blood 81 (2): 454–61. PMID 8422464.
  • de la Fuente MA, Pizcueta P, Nadal M, Bosch J, Engel P (1997). "CD84 leukocyte antigen is a new member of the Ig superfamily". Blood 90 (6): 2398–405. PMID 9310491.
  • Suzuki Y, Yoshitomo-Nakagawa K, Maruyama K, Suyama A, Sugano S (1997). "Construction and characterization of a full length-enriched and a 5'-end-enriched cDNA library". Gene 200 (1–2): 149–56. doi:10.1016/S0378-1119(97)00411-3. PMID 9373149.
  • Olavesen MG, Bentley E, Mason RV, Stephens RJ, Ragoussis J (1998). "Fine mapping of 39 ESTs on human chromosome 6p23-p25". Genomics 46 (2): 303–6. doi:10.1006/geno.1997.5032. PMID 9417921.
  • Twist CJ, Beier DR, Disteche CM, Edelhoff S, Tedder TF (1998). "The mouse Cd83 gene: structure, domain organization, and chromosome localization". Immunogenetics 48 (6): 383–93. doi:10.1007/s002510050449. PMID 9799334.
  • Berchtold S, Mühl-Zürbes P, Heufler C, Winklehner P, Schuler G, Steinkasserer A (1999). "Cloning, recombinant expression and biochemical characterization of the murine CD83 molecule which is specifically upregulated during dendritic cell maturation". FEBS Lett. 461 (3): 211–6. doi:10.1016/S0014-5793(99)01465-9. PMID 10567699. Vancouver style error (help)
  • Scholler N, Hayden-Ledbetter M, Hellström KE, Hellström I, Ledbetter JA (2001). "CD83 is a sialic acid-binding Ig-like lectin (Siglec) adhesion receptor that binds monocytes and a subset of activated CD8+ T cells". J. Immunol. 166 (6): 3865–72. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.166.6.3865. PMID 11238630. Vancouver style error (help)
  • Fanales-Belasio E, Moretti S, Nappi F, Barillari G, Micheletti F, Cafaro A et al. (2002). "Native HIV-1 Tat protein targets monocyte-derived dendritic cells and enhances their maturation, function, and antigen-specific T cell responses". J. Immunol. 168 (1): 197–206. doi:10.4049/jimmunol.168.1.197. PMID 11751963.
  • Berchtold S, Mühl-Zürbes P, Maczek E, Golka A, Schuler G, Steinkasserer A (2003). "Cloning and characterization of the promoter region of the human CD83 gene". Immunobiology 205 (3): 231–46. doi:10.1078/0171-2985-00128. PMID 12182451. Vancouver style error (help)
  • te Velde AA, van Kooyk Y, Braat H, Hommes DW, Dellemijn TA, Slors JF et al. (2003). "Increased expression of DC-SIGN+IL-12+IL-18+ and CD83+IL-12-IL-18- dendritic cell populations in the colonic mucosa of patients with Crohn's disease". Eur. J. Immunol. 33 (1): 143–51. doi:10.1002/immu.200390017. PMID 12594843.
  • Dudziak D, Kieser A, Dirmeier U, Nimmerjahn F, Berchtold S, Steinkasserer A et al. (2003). "Latent Membrane Protein 1 of Epstein-Barr Virus Induces CD83 by the NF-κB Signaling Pathway". J. Virol. 77 (15): 8290–8. doi:10.1128/JVI.77.15.8290-8298.2003. PMC 165234. PMID 12857898.
  • Hock BD, Haring LF, Steinkasserer A, Taylor KG, Patton WN, McKenzie JL (2004). "The soluble form of CD83 is present at elevated levels in a number of hematological malignancies". Leuk. Res. 28 (3): 237–41. doi:10.1016/S0145-2126(03)00255-8. PMID 14687618.
  • Sénéchal B, Boruchov AM, Reagan JL, Hart DN, Young JW (2004). "Infection of mature monocyte-derived dendritic cells with human cytomegalovirus inhibits stimulation of T-cell proliferation via the release of soluble CD83". Blood 103 (11): 4207–15. doi:10.1182/blood-2003-12-4350. PMID 14962896. Vancouver style error (help)
  • Cao W, Lee SH, Lu J (2005). "CD83 is preformed inside monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells, but it is only stably expressed on activated dendritic cells". Biochem. J. 385 (Pt 1): 85–93. doi:10.1042/BJ20040741. PMC 1134676. PMID 15320871.

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