The CAMiLEON (Creative Archiving at Michigan & Leeds) project was a joint undertaking by the University of Michigan and the University of Leeds to develop and evaluate a range of technical strategies for the long term preservation of digital material suffering from digital obsolescence. The project was funded jointly by the UK Joint Information Systems Committee (JISC) and the US National Science Foundation over a 3-4 year period from 1 October 1999. The UK component of the project was completed on 31 December 2002, the US component finished on 30 September 2003.

The project's first case study was the multimedia BBC Domesday Project created by the BBC between 1984 and 1986. The BBC published this work on LaserDiscs in LaserVision Read Only Memory (LV-ROM) format, which can now be read only by a few machines, and there were fears that the data would become unreadable. The method proposed by CAMiLEON to recover the data was to emulate the obsolete hardware using modern equipment.[1] CAMiLEON has successfully produced a system, DomesEm, that emulates the original hardware and allows the discs to be viewed.

See also


  1. McKie, Robin; Thorpe, Vanessa (2002-03-03). "Digital Domesday Book lasts 15 years not 1000". The Guardian (Guardian Media Group). Retrieved 2011-07-18. 'That means we have to find a way to emulate this data, in other words to turn into a form that can be used no matter what is the computer format of the future. That is the real goal of this project.'

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