C. Anne Wilson

Constance Anne Wilson (in her published works C. Anne Wilson) is a British food historian. She was previously in charge of the special collection of cookery books at the Brotherton Library of the University of Leeds, Leeds, England.[1] She published the wide-ranging Food and Drink in Britain in 1973, and her more specialised The Book of Marmalade: its antecedents, its history and its rôle in the world today won the 1984 Diagram Prize for the oddest title of the year at the Frankfurt Book Fair. In 2006 she published Water of Life: a history of wine-distilling and spirits; 500 BC - AD 2000.[2] She has edited several volumes of the proceedings of the Leeds Symposium on Food History and Tradition.


As editor


  1. "The Book of Marmalade". University of Pennsylvania Press. Philadelphia. Retrieved 2009-05-14.
  2. "Water of Life". Prospect Books. Retrieved 2009-05-14.