Business to Arts

Business to Arts is the leading body in Ireland concerned with developing creative partnerships between the arts and business communities. Established in 1988 under the name Cothu, the organisation is currently celebrating its twentieth anniversary.

Charitable contributions by business form the primary source of funding for Business to Arts together with some funding from the Department of Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht. Department funding is directed specifically towards facilitation of a skills training programme for arts professionals.

The Allianz Business to Arts Awards

Each the year the organisation arranges the "Allianz Business to Arts Awards" which celebrate a range of relationships between the two communities. In 2010 the combined value of the nominations received for the Awards was approximately €5.6 million cash and in-kind investment by businesses around Ireland.


Business to Arts is committed to increasing private investment in arts and culture and, as part of this objective, has publicly stated a number of policy initiatives for consideration in partnership with Government.[1]

10,000 to 50: Contemporary Art from the Members of Business to Arts

In 2008 Business to Arts collaborated with the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA) to create 10,000 to 50: Contemporary Art from the Members of Business to Arts.[2] This exhibition provided a view of the support of contemporary art in Ireland over recent decades by corporate and organisational bodies grouped by their membership of Business to Arts. The exhibition, held between May and early August 2008 attracted over 130,000 visitors.


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