Business Intelligence 2.0

Business Intelligence 2.0 (BI 2.0) is a set of new tools and software for business intelligence, beginning in the mid-2000s, that enable, among other things, dynamic querying of real-time corporate data by employees, and a more web- and browser-based approach to such data, as opposed to the proprietary querying tools that had characterized previous business intelligence software.

This change is partly due to the popularization of service-oriented architectures (SOA), which enables for a flexible, composable and adaptive middleware. Also, open standards for exchanging data such as XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language), Web Services and various Semantic Web ontologies enable using data external to an organization, such as benchmarking type information.

Business Intelligence 2.0 is most likely named after Web 2.0, although it takes elements from both Web 2.0 (a focus on user empowerment and community collaboration, technologies like RSS and the concept of mashups), and the Semantic Web, sometimes called "Web 3.0" (semantic integration through shared ontologies to enable easier exchange of data).[1]

According to analytics expert Neil Raden, BI 2.0 also implies a move away from the standard data warehouse that business intelligence tools have used, which "will give way to context, contingency and the need to relate information quickly from many sources."[2]


  1. Raden, Neil (2005). "Start Making Sense: Get From Data To Semantic Integration".
  2. Raden, Neil (2007). "Business Intelligence 2.0: Simpler, More Accessible, Inevitable".

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