Burials in Glasnevin Cemetery

Éamon de Valera's grave
His wife Sinéad, son Brian, are also buried there.
A close up view of the de Valera gravestone
Charles Stewart Parnell's gravestone
Though a member of the Church of Ireland, Parnell was buried in Glasnevin in view of its status – at least in the eyes of those who followed him in politics – as the de facto national cemetery
Memorial to Patrick O'Donnell, Glasnevin Cemetery, Dublin
Monument to Ireland's war dead
in the Great War 1914–18.
The monument lists those buried in the cemetery killed during Ireland's involvement serving in Irish regiments of the British and Allied Armies.
Grave of Irish socialist leader James Larkin
Grave of Fenian leader O'Donovan Rossa

This is a list of notable people buried in Glasnevin Cemetery.


  1. Unlabelled press clipping of contemporary obituary, in Royal Birmingham Society of Artists archives
  2. Alan O'Day, O'Leary, John (1830–1907), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edn, May 2006

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