Bulgarian nationality law

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Bulgarian citizens
  • Banat Bulgarian

Bulgarian nationality law is governed by the Constitution of Bulgaria (article 25 and 26) of 1991 and the citizenship law of 1999 (with changes made in various years through to 2009).[1]

It is mainly based on jus sanguinis; however, it is possible to obtain citizenship after 10 years of residence in Bulgaria.[2] Naturalisation is available on the basis of residence in certain types of status; marriage or on the basis of origin or at the discretion of the government of Bulgaria to persons of merit. The Bulgarian Ministry of Justice is in charge of processing citizenship applications.

Every Bulgarian citizen is also a citizen of the European Union.

Acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship

Bulgarian citizenship can be acquired in the following ways:

  1. Jus sanguinis: By descent if at least one of the parents is a Bulgarian citizen
  2. Jus soli: By birth in Bulgaria (unless citizenship of another country has been acquired by descent), or a child found in Bulgaria whose parents are unknown
  3. By naturalisation

Dual citizenship

Bulgaria allows its citizens to hold foreign citizenship in addition to their Bulgarian citizenship. Some countries, however, do not permit multiple citizenship e.g. adults who acquired Bulgarian and Japanese citizenship by birth must declare, to the latter's Ministry of Justice, before turning 22, which citizenship they want to keep.

Citizenship of the European Union

Bulgarian citizens are also citizens of the European Union and thus enjoy rights of free movement and have the right to vote in elections for the European Parliament.

See also


  1. "Bulgarian Citizenship Act". Embassy of the Republic of Bulgaria, London. Retrieved 6 August 2012.
  2. "Чуждите, които искат да са наши". CETA. Retrieved 18 July 2012.

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