Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies Research Institute

Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies Research Institute
- BEST -
Type built environment and sustainable technology
Director Professor Ahmed Al-Shamma'a
Location Liverpool, England

university colours
     Navy blue
     Lime green
faculty colours
(Faculty of Science)

Website BEST Research

The Built Environment and Sustainable Technologies Research Institute (BEST) is a built environment and sustainable technology research institute at Liverpool John Moores University. The institute consists of five research groups working on different areas:

BEST works alongside organizations including Shell Oil Company, Jaguar, the United States Department of Defence, United Utilities and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory.[1]


The institute currently publishes three academic journals: Journal of International Real Estate and Construction Studies (JIRECS), International Journal of Pavement Engineering & Asphalt Technology (PEAT) and Urban Design International.


The current Director of BEST is Professor Professor Ahmed Al-Shamma'a.

External links
