Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Ten

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Ten
Publication information
Publisher Dark Horse Comics
Schedule Monthly
Format Limited series
Genre Fantasy
Publication date March 2014
Number of issues 30 (each core series)
Main character(s) Scooby Gang
Creative team
Writer(s) Buffy:
Christos Gage
Nicholas Brendon
Angel & Faith:
Victor Gischler
Penciller(s) Buffy:
Rebekah Isaacs
Karl Moline
Cliff Richards
Richard Corben
Megan Levens
Angel & Faith:
Will Conrad
Derlis Santacruz
Creator(s) Joss Whedon

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Ten is the sequel to the Season Nine comic book series, a canonical continuation of the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

The Season Ten brand continues the two ongoing series that formed Season Nine: Buffy and Angel & Faith. The creative team of Angel & Faith in Season Nine, writer Christos Gage and penciler Rebekah Isaacs, are the creative team behind Buffy Season Ten. Victor Gischler and Will Conrad took over Angel & Faith in this season.[1] The first issue of Buffy Season Ten was released in March 19, 2014, while the first issue of Angel & Faith (vol. 2) was released the following month.[2]


As in the preparation for the previous season, there was a writer's summit in spring 2013, months before Season Nine ended. Along with all the creators from Season Nine, Victor Gischler and Buffy the Vampire Slayer actor Nicholas Brendon joined the team.[2]


Core series

Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Ten

Single issues
Title Issue # Release date
"New Rules, Part I" 1 March 19, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
New season. New rules. The age-old battle of Slayer vs. vampire is the focus of Buffy's life once again--- it's downright nostalgic! But with all the toying with magic she's done lately, this girl should know it's time for another game change ... Shouldn't she?
"New Rules, Part II" 2 April 23, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
The Scoobies are back--- including li'l Giles! Revelations about a new kind of vampire menace and the blank Vampyr book have only just begun. Everyone has a job to do, and for Buffy, it's treading the road of past relationships! Lucky girl ...
"New Rules, Part III" 3 May 21, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage and Nicholas Brendon Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
Actor Nicholas Brendon joins the creative team as his character Xander acquires help from his old friend—um, master—Dracula. The new vampires are still a mystery, and unquestionably similar to Drac ... Meanwhile, Buffy and Willow track down one of those new vampires as a study specimen!
"New Rules, Part IV" 4 June 18, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage and Nicholas Brendon Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
Getting help from Dracula seemed like a good idea, until he stole the Vampyr book—and Xander! Now Buffy, Spike, Dawn, Willow, and Giles must save Xander and retrieve the book before it’s too late. Dracula has already begun to study how the lack of magical rules can work in his favor ...
"New Rules, Part V" 5 July 23, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage and Nicholas Brendon Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
When Buffy and crew try to wrest Xander from Dracula’s control, they begin a battle supreme with the terrifying demon that Dracula has become . . .
"I Wish, Part I" 6 August 20, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Karl Moline and Cliff Richards
What should have been a simple exorcism turns into a disaster for Buffy and the Scoobies when, instead of horrors, a demon fights back with blissful childhood fantasies!
"I Wish, Part II" 7 September 17, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage and Nicholas Brendon Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
As Spike and Xander bond—while also seriously getting on each other's nerves—they are tempted to start writing some rules of their own in the book of magical laws... concerning Buffy and Dawn!
"Return To Sunnydale, Part I" 8 October 22, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs and Richard Corben
A Halloween issue spectacular takes Buffy and crew back to Sunnydale as they follow the stolen Vampyr book, finding a massive magical party at the Hellmouth-and a demon devouring revelers!
"Return To Sunnydale, Part II" 9 November 19, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
The Sunnydale homecoming becomes less than fun as Buffy, Spike, and Willow realize that Andrew is in over his head with the Vampyr rules book and a terrible plan, and the demon they’re up against has a grudge against Slayers and a penchant for eating souls . . .
"Day Off (or Harmony In My Head)" 10 December 24, 2014
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
With the responsibility of writing new rules in the Vampyr book, Buffy and crew are literally the bosses of all magic—but as more baddies learn who has the power, protecting the book is becoming a full-time job!
"Love Dares You, Part I" 11 January 21, 2015
Writer: Christos Gage and Nicholas Brendon Penciller: Megan Levens
With the magical side of things momentarily under control, Buffy and crew have a chance to deal with their personal lives: things heat up between Xander and Dawn, young Giles is visited by an old flame, Andrew introduces some new friends, and the Slayer is totally set for round one of speed dating! Then the bad guy shows up.
"Love Dares You, Part II" 12 February 18, 2015
Writer: Christos Gage and Nicholas Brendon Penciller: Megan Levens
Buffy and her crew are on the cusp of some monumental relationship stuff, but entanglements are waylaid when they’re forced to fight a new evil and the flesh homunculi he creates . . .
"Love Dares You, Part III" 13 March 18, 2015
Writer: Christos Gage and Nicholas Brendon Penciller: Megan Levens
Some suspiciously supernatural murders have Spike, Xander, Willow, and Giles in a conundrum. They have to talk to Buffy, but there’s something about the killer they’re pretty sure she’s not going to like . . . Meanwhile, Andrew gets some relationship advice from Buffy!
"Relationship Status: Complicated, Part I" 14 April 22, 2015
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
While traveling into Spike’s mind and seeing his past and present, Buffy looks for clues about the newest threat in San Francisco: someone or something with a deep connection to Spike!
"Relationship Status: Complicated, Part II" 15 May 20, 2015
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
Buffy and the gang come face to face with a terrifying new demon that shares a special bond with Spike, threatening his growing connection to the Slayer.
"Old Demons, Part I" 16 June 17, 2015
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
After discovering that the powerful demon Archaeus has deep connections to both Spike and Angel, Buffy invites her former beau for a visit. Things are awkward, and everyone is behaving just a little juvenile—but in order to beat the threat Archaeus brings, the team is going to have to overcome the past.
"Old Demons, Part II" 17 July 22, 2015
Writer: Christos Gage Penciller: Rebekah Isaacs
Tensions are on the rise as the gang goes in search of an ancient enemy—Archaeus. Split into teams, Angel and Xander are able to connect over themes of betrayal and love lost, while Buffy pushes Spike to keep his insecurities in check. But they quickly discover there are much more dangerous things to battle as they close in on the demon lord.
Trade Paperbacks
Volume Title Issues collected Release date ISBN
1 "New Rules" 1–5 November 12, 2014[3] ISBN 978-1-61655-490-3
2 "I Wish" 6–10 April 8, 2015[4] ISBN 978-1-61655-600-6
3 "Love Dares You" 11-15 September 9, 2015[5] ISBN 978-1-61655-758-4

Angel & Faith Season Ten

Single issues
Title Issue # Release date
"Where the River Meets the Sea, Part I" 1 April 2, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Angel's work is never done. During his most recent world-saving, a part of London was transformed and flooded with magic. Who better to watch over this magical community than Angel? At least, that's what he thinks. Meanwhile, Faith starts a new chapter in her life---slaying zompires alongside Buffy?!
"Where the River Meets the Sea, Part II" 2 May 7, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
As Faith awkwardly settles into her new job at Kennedy’s bodyguards-for-hire company, Angel is finding that he knows less than everyone about what is going on in London’s magic town. Trying to get to the bottom of a fiendish group of scheming pixies, Angel travels further down a really wrong road ...
"Where the River Meets the Sea, Part III" 3 June 4, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Angel has found everyone is going to the same person in London’s Magic Town for advice—and it’s decidedly not him. But she is someone Angel can take partial credit for . . . And the pixie menaces have stepped up their muscle with another lady from Angel’s past. Meanwhile, Faith is screwing up. Again.
"Where the River Meets the Sea, Part IV" 4 July 2, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Angel’s taking some beatings in Magic Town, while Faith is dishing them out, whether they’re deserved or not. The two remain a world apart, dealing with a demonic rock god and a city preyed on by the magical powers exploding inside it.
"Old Habits" 5 August 6, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Derlis Santacruz
Angel is plagued by nightmares and another menace for the streets of London: The new vampires, like the zompires before them, are leaving a trail of victims for the local police and Angel to pursue.
"Lost & Found, Part I" 6 September 3, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Faith's next mission for Deepscan is one she can't resist—tracking the missing Riley Finn in South America. The girl has got some residual guilt over that military demon hunter... Meanwhile, in London's Magic Town, Angel is confronted by yet another old frenemy.
"Lost & Found, Part II" 7 October 1, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Amy the Rat has been seeking favors in Magic Town, and Angel is on alert-what is this witch really after? Meanwhile, Faith has tracked Riley into the jungle to find a tribe of vicious new vampires! Casualties be happening . . .
"Lost & Found, Part III" 8 November 5, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
The tribal vampires have the upper hand, with Riley back to being vampire food. Faith works on a straight-up strong-arm jungle rescue, while Angel plans to turn the tables on Amy the Rat, to keep her from her real target.
"Lost & Found, Part IV" 9 December 3, 2014
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Clearly in a magical mire with Amy the Rat, Angel brings in backup to shut down the witch and save Magic Town . . . Faith is reunited with Riley in a brawl with the tribal vampires—staking, dusting, and feeling awkward!
"Lost & Found Part V" 10 January 7, 2015
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
While Faith fights the newest breed of vampires to save Riley, she's shocked when she discovers the identity of their illustrious leader . . . Then, in London, Angel calls in a favor to deal with Amy's trap!
"United, Part I" 11 February 4, 2015
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Faith Lehane returns to London! Long missing from the scene in Magic Town, the Slayer is back and ready for action—which is going to come as a surprise to her old evil-fighting teammate, Angel . . .
"United, Part II" 12 March 4, 2015
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Though she’s returned to London, Faith isn’t planning to join up with Team Angel again. But circumstances will throw the Slayer and the vampire together when someone searching for Illyria brings his quest through Magic Town . . .
"United, Part III" 13 April 1, 2015
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Angel and Faith join forces in an attempt to save Fred and keep the powerful goddess Illyria from taking over. Without Illyria present, the honor-bound demon Koh may never discover who slayed his family and imprisoned him . . . a devastating reality for this unlikely hero.
"United, Part IV" 14 May 6, 2015
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Will Conrad
Fred continues to struggle against the power of Illyria and reveals to Angel and Faith her great fear of losing control. Meanwhile, Koh deals with the reality that his quest for vengeance may be futile.
"Issue Fifteen" 15 June 3, 2015
Writer: Kel McDonald Penciller: Cliff Richards
Taking a break from the stress of reality in London, Angel and Fred hop on a ferry to Angel’s homeland! Though both were hoping for a leisurely holiday, something is rotten in the Emerald Isle. Angel can’t resist helping the helpless—but will that be the best thing for Fred . . . and Illyria?
"Those Who Can't Teach, Teach Gym, Part I" 16 July 1, 2015
Writer: Victor Gischler Penciller: Cliff Richards
While Angel is stateside, Faith is suddenly the go-to adviser for London’s Magic Town police detective. She enlists Fred to help scope out a situation, and the girls stumble onto some teenage vampires at Cuthbert Prep. Who better to delve further into the situation—from the inside—than a vampire slayer?
Trade Paperbacks
Volume Title Issues collected Release date ISBN
1 "Where the River Meets the Sea" 1–5 December 10, 2014[6] ISBN 978-1-61655-503-0
2 "Lost and Found" 6–10 May 26, 2015[7] ISBN 978-1-61655-601-3
3 "United" October 14, 2015[8] ISBN 978-1-61655-766-9


  1. Johnston, Rich (October 10, 2013). "Buffy Season Ten, And A Relaunched Angel & Faith, Together". Bleeding Cool. Retrieved October 18, 2013.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Glendening, Daniel (October 11, 2013). "NYCC Exclusive: Dark Horse Comics Unveils "Serenity" and "Buffy: Season 10"". Comic Book Resources. Retrieved 18 October 2013.
  3. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 Volume 1: New Rules TPB". Darkhorse.com. Retrieved November 4, 2014.
  4. "Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 Volume 2: I Wish TPB". Darkhorse.com. Retrieved February 9, 2015.
  5. http://www.comicbookresources.com/article/barb-wire-returns-an-aliens-classic-resurfaces-in-dark-horses-july-2015-solicitations. Missing or empty |title= (help)
  6. "Angel and Faith Season Ten: Volume 1: Where the River Meets the Sea TPB". Darkhorse.com. Retrieved November 4, 2014.
  7. "Angel and Faith Season Ten: Volume 2: Lost and Found TPB". Darkhorse.com. Retrieved November 4, 2014.
  8. "Angel and Faith Season Ten: Volume 3: United TPB". Darkhorse.com. Retrieved March 3, 2015.

External links