Buddleja 'Mary's White'

Cultivar 'Mary's White'
Origin USA

Buddleja 'Mary's White' is an American cultivar of uncertain pedigree. Received as Buddleja yunnanensis 'Alba', it was determined as "probably Buddleja davidii" by Dirr [1]


'Mary's White' can attain a height and width of 2.5 × 2 m after two years. The inflorescences comprise terminal panicles, 20 - 23 cm long, of white flowers complemented by blue-green foliage. [1]


'Mary's White' is not known to be in cultivation beyond the USA.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Hatch, L. (2007). Cultivars of Woody Plants. Vol. 1 (A-G), 2007 Edition. TCR Press Horticultural PDF. books.