Buddhist devotion

Lay Buddhist

Offerings · Bows
3 Refuges · Chanting
5 Precepts · 8 Precepts
Bodhisattva vows
Meditation · Giving
Supporting Monastics
Study · Pilgrimage

Buddhist Devotion is an important part of the practice of most Buddhists.[1] According to a spokesman of the Sasana Council of Burma, devotion to Buddhist spiritual practices inspires devotion to the Triple Gem.[2] Most Buddhists use ritual in pursuit of their spiritual aspirations.[3]

Examples of devotional practices:

Other places were later added, particularly in other countries, where pilgrimage to the original sites would be daunting.

A very important form of Buddhist devotion is Pure Land Buddhism, which is practised by most Chinese monks, some combining it with Chan (Zen).[6] It exists as a group of independent denominations in Japan, the most radical, and largest, of which, Jodo Shinshu, holds to a subtle idea of effortless salvation .

See also


  1. Harvey, page 170
  2. Morgan, pages v, 73
  3. Macmillan (Volume One), page 139
  4. Choong Mun-keat, The Fundamental Teachings of Early Buddhism: A comparative study basted on the Sutranga portion of the Pali Samyutta-Nikaya and the Chinese Samyuktagama; Harrassowitz Verlag, Weisbaden, 2000, pages 105-106. See also Anguttara Nikaya, volume II, page 72 (Pali Text Society edition pagination) and the Atanatiya Sutta in the Digha Nikaya, number 32, in volume III.
  5. Digha Nikaya, volume II, pages 140f (PTS pagination)
  6. Welch, page 396
