Broad Front (Costa Rica)

Broad Front
Partido Frente Amplio
President Patricia Mora Castellanos
Secretary-General William Rodolfo Ulloa Bonilla
Founder José Merino del Río
Treasurer Roberto Joaquín Alfaro Zumbado
Vice-president Gerardo Vargas Varela
Subsecretary Gerardo Vargas Varela
Subtreasurer Suray Carrillo Guevara
Founded October 16, 2004
Headquarters Casa Amarilla Barrio Amón
Ideology Democratic socialism
Social democracy,
Green politics,
Political position Left-wing
Colors Yellow
Legislative Assembly
9 / 57
Town council of Siquirres 1
Party flag
Politics of Costa Rica
Political parties

The Broad Front (Frente Amplio) is a social-democrat political party in Costa Rica, the main component of the front is the Alternative of the Lefts Movement (Movimiento Alternativa de Izquierdas). They're defined by progressive, socialist, "green", justice, human rights and democratic ideas. In the 2006 general elections, they won 1.1% of the legislative votes, and won one seat in the legislature, occupied by José Merino Del Rio. In the 2010 general elections they kept their seat, now occupied by José María Villalta Florez-Estrada. Their Presidential Candidate was Eugenio Trejos Benavides.