British Motorcycle Racing Club

The British Motorcycle Racing Club, known as BMCRC or Bemsee, is a UK motorcycle racing club.

The historic common name 'Bemsee' derives from a contraction of the letters BMCRC, and is the name by which the British Motorcycle Racing Club is known and often referred to amongst its riders and supporters.[1]


Founded in 1909, it was originally based at the classic Brooklands circuit near Weybridge in Surrey. During the 1960s the offices were at Kingston, Surrey[2] and are now located in Romford, Essex.

The Centennial Meeting is planned for April 2009 at Brands Hatch. Many champions have emerged from starting out in the homemade Aprilia Superteens championship for example:


  1. Motor Cycle 24 September 1964, p.597 Hot Stuff at Silverstone. Bemsee staged a series of ten races, each over ten laps of the Grand Prix circuit. Accessed and added 2014-06-30
  2. Motor Cycle, 3 August 1967. p.1084/85. 'Sports Dates' Bemsee advertisement for Brands Hatch, 5 Aug 1967, "Bemsee Motorcycle Racing British Motorcycle Racing Club Ltd., (PO Box 75) 33a London Road, Kingston, Surrey." Accessed 2013-08-10

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