British Housewives' League

The British Housewives' League is a right-wing, non-party group that seeks to act as the voice of the British housewife, providing advice and encouraging active participation in society. The League seeks to defend the UK's independence and constitution, to promote Christian values, and to discourage excessive state control. In the past the League has campaigned against rationing, identity cards, anti-fluoridation campaigns[1] in the 1950s and UK membership of the European Union.

The newsletter of the League was called Housewives Today and dealt with issues mainly connected with the price, choice and quality of food available.

The League was founded by Irene May Lovelock,[2] née Northover-Smith (1896-1974), who became its first chairman. As a housewife during the Second World War, Lovelock encountered at first hand the problems of rationing, shortages and queueing. Lovelock wrote a memoir of the League but it was never published. In April 1946 Lovelock resigned from the chair of the League to become its president.

Another prominent chairman of the League was Dorothy Crisp, a journalist and writer of provocative articles in the Sunday Dispatch. Under her direction it developed a campaigning posture on women, the state and the dangers of socialism similar to that of the Conservative party in the 1940s. Crisp had been a member of the Conservatives and published books promoting both conservatism and Christianity. She had sought the Conservative nomination for the by-election held in Acton in 1943, and when unsuccessful, she stood as an independent candidate. However the League broke ranks with the Conservative Party and moved further to the political right in the later part of the 1940s. She was subject of a patronising article referring to her as "the buxom, brown-eyed, voluble little woman", by Gordon Beckles,[3][4] published in the 12 July 1947 issue of Leader Magazine[5] under the title of "Housewife of England!". It featured a photo of her giving a speech on behalf of the League. It has been said that Dorothy Crisp is the historical figure who most resembles Margaret Thatcher.[6]

Post War 1946 Bread Rationing & Nationalisation

At its peak the League claimed over 100,000 members,[7] and their collective voice was felt in many rallies against post war bread rationing. Food rationing had been established early on during World War Two. After six long years, this frustration with austerity and state control became a very political issue, particularly among women who, fed up with rationing, longed for some purchasing power and freedom of choice. Meat, bacon, butter, sugar, eggs, tea, cheese, milk, sweets, clothes, petrol were all still restricted.

In February 1946, new cuts were made on poultry and eggs. During the war, bread had never been rationed, it was however introduced in 1946, for two years, to help prevent starvation in Asia and Germany. Bread rationing caused an outcry, particularly from housewives, as post-war historian Peter Hennessy,[8] writes: ‘the celebrated British Housewives’ League was already becoming a thorn in ministerial flesh’. By the summer of 1946 over half a million signatures had been collected by the League, under the banner 'Bread: No Ration' petition. The Daily Sketch 3 July 1946 reported one of the League's larger provincial protest march in Cheltenham.

It was this fallout with the Labour (Attlee) Government that led to political change, since many women turned to the Conservative party. Their subsequent election victory in 1951 became for many a statement of discontent with Labour. As one woman expressed it, ‘the last election was lost mainly in the queue at the butcher’s or the grocer’s’[9]

During the spring and summer of 1946 intense opposition to bread rationing was led by the Conservative Party, which doubted that the policy was really necessary and that substantial savings in wheat could be made. The Party leadership deplored the added burden placed on consumers and alleged that the government had mismanaged the supply situation. The Conservatives were backed by the right-wing press, which highlighted opposition to bread rationing among bakers as well as the British Housewives’ League. This episode was the first concerted campaign against the Labour government on a major policy issue and marked the beginning of the debate about postwar food policy.”[10]

As the war ended domestic politics returned to normal. The landslide election victory of the Labour (Attlee) Government in 1945, led the private sector into a series of propaganda campaigns about the threat of nationalisation. These included the so-called Mr Cube Campaign (Tate and Lyle) of 1949/50, against the possibility of the nationalisation of the sugar industry. The 'Aims of Industry', an anti-socialist pressure group formed in 1942 by a group of well-known British industrialists, with representatives from Fords, English Electric, Austin, Rank, British Aircraft, Macdougall's and Firestone Tyres. There were also smaller campaigns by the Cement Makers Federation, the Iron and Steel Federation and by the insurance companies represented by the British Insurance Association. The Road Haulage Association sponsored the anti-nationalisation campaigns by the British Housewives' League, led by Dorothy Crisp.[11]

British Pathé newsreels reporting British Housewives' protests

Before television was widely available, short news films was distributed to cinemas' all over the country. People flocked to the cinema to watch newsreels with the latest information or for feature films which allowed them to escape the oppression and austerity of the war for a few hours. By 1946, national cinema audiences peaked at 1.64 billion, with many people going 2 – 3 times a week.[12]

After World War Two, many of these films were made about women welcoming their men back from the front and being keen to please them. But not all women were happy to ‘muddle along’ or passively accept the status quo. As a number of newsreels from Pathé News illustrate, many women felt empowered to protest at the continued government restrictions and hardship that existed in the immediate post-war years.

In July 1946, the newsreel featured a crowd of women of the British Housewives League demonstrating about Bread Rationing in Trafalgar Square London.[13]

The film opens with the title 'July 21' - the date when bread rationing will begin. The news item then reports on protests against bread rationing by women's groups. Mrs Hilda Davis, is named as leading a group setting up a petition against the rationing, calling on an "army of indignant housewives". The film then shows the Food Minister, John Strachey speaking about improved prospects for North American crops, on his return from the US. The film then states that bread rationing will go ahead on the 21st, despite continued protests. "Vicar's wife and food crusader" Mrs Lovelock is then seen addressing a group of women at a meeting of the British Housewives League. She states that "we, the housewives of Great Britain are in open revolt against bread rationing" and says that rationing will hit the poorest the most and the League will not stand for it. The film then shows a civil servant working in 'bread control' looking at a new bread ration card and finishes with a close-up shot of the ration card and a loaf of bread. The final commentary warns "watch out this doesn't go under the counter".[14]

ID Cards

The League's campaign against the Identity Cards issued under the National Registration Act 1939 began on a very wet Saturday in April 1951. Four officers of the British Housewives' League stood outside the Palace of Westminster and tried to burn their papers, following the example of Clarence Willcock. Struggling against the driving rain, only one succeeded; Mrs Beatrice Palmer, of Sidcup, tucked her National Registration Identity Card in a coffee tin and lit it. Within a year the Cards were no more.

They had been protesting "in the hope that attention will be drawn to the increasing pauperisation of the British people". ID cards had been introduced on the outbreak of World War II in 1939. They had also been introduced earlier between 1915-1919, during World War I, but were considered a failure.[15] They were a supposedly short-term emergency war-time measure and, by the 1950s, were deeply unpopular.

Under the Labour (Blair) Government Identity Cards Act 2006 ID cards were again to be gradually reintroduced; most Britons, Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said, should have one by 2017. The British Housewives' League was not happy about that. The now much-diminished organisation's honorary secretary, Lynn Riley was reported as saying "We are animated about this now as we were in the early 1950s," said . "I remember when we joined Europe we were told we wouldn't need our passports to go to France or Spain or Portugal and we thought that was wonderful. What we did not realise is that we would need an ID card to go to Tesco (supermarket). This is a declaration of war by the state on its people," Mrs Riley said. "There is a lot of common ground on the left and the right about this."[16] Initial cards, not yet compulsory, were introduced for those who wanted them in 2009, but the cards were abolished by the Identity Documents Act 2010 after a change of government.

'Lantern' a quarterly magazine of the British Housewives League

Synopsis of typical issues discussed

July 1995 'Monetary Union - A Dangerous Experiment: - in Vol. 11, No.4; concerns about the British Governments proposals to join the Euro.

September 2000 ‘Proposed (U.N.) Millennium Assembly': - article by Mona McNee,[17] argues that this will be the largest gathering of heads of states ever assembled in the history of the world. The BHL concerns are that it has been carefully designed to change the world forever and will set the world on a course of global governance under the authority of the United Nations. More than 130 international organisations, called IGOs (intergovernmental organisations), will be consolidated as direct administrative agencies of the new U.N. system. National governments will become administrative units, reporting through the appropriate IGOs, to the supreme authority of the U.N. So MPs will just be civil servants, not our representatives.

January 2004 Is there a link between BSE, CJD and Scrapie? - article by Frances Wolferstan, challenges the official theory the authorities would have us believe is that Scrapie (a brain disease) in sheep can lead to BSE in cattle, which can lead to nvCJD in humans, as a result of humans consuming meat from cattle which have consumed feedstuffs. On the face of it, this theory seems absurd, and it has never been proven. However, this theory threatens powerful chemical companies, as well as military corporations, and government agencies who encouraged farmers to spray their cattle with organo-phosphate chemicals, and so this common-sense theory goes largely suppressed.

October 2006 Common Purpose: 'Although (CP) has 80,000 trainees in 36 cities, 18,000 graduate members and enormous power, 'Common Purpose UK' is largely unknown to the general public. It identifies leaders in all levels of our government, to assume power when our nation is replaced by the European Union, in what they call the 'Post-Democratic Society'. They are learning to rule without democracy, and will bring the EU police state home to every one of us. (Accounts are not published, and members' names are highly secret, but the courses are very expensive; paid out of the public purse.[18] Such leaders are encouraged to act as a network, and their meetings are held under the Chatham House rules of secrecy). It has members in the National Health Service, the BBC, the police, the legal profession, the Church, many of Britain's 8,500 quangos, local councils, schools, social services, the Civil Service, government ministries (it is backed by the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott), Parliament, and it controls many of the Regional Development Agencies'. It was Cressida Dick, the (Common Purpose) senior police officer who authorised the “Shoot to kill” policy without reference to Parliament, the law or the British Constitution. Jean de Menezes was one of the innocents who died (2005) as a result. Her shoot to kill policy still stands today.

July 2007 The Food Shortage Reality: - article argues that the emerging global agricultural crisis, not only have prices escalated in First World countries, but food aid to less-developed nations is being curtailed. “Food aid programs for children in Indonesia, Mexico, the Philippines and Algeria are likely to be reduced, because of rising costs”. It’s not only donor fatigue that is harming the world food aid effort; it’s the failure of those nations who have given the most aid in the past to maintain their usual production levels.

May 2009 How the EU Parliament Works: - an ‘easy to understand’article for voters in the election for a new European Parliament. The concerns of the BHL is that whatever the unelected European Commission puts forward as a proposal will become law in Britain and the other EU states because there is virtually no way of stopping it. And that means we are ruled not by democracy but by a form of dictatorship known as an oligarchy, dictatorship not by one but by a group. But a dictatorship, none the less.

British Housewives' League Today

The League has changed its name to British Housewives' Association.[19] It attempts to show that excessive control by the state is not in the interest of a free and happy home-life, or the development of personality in accordance with Christian tradition. Associates include Victoria Gillick, prominent in the 'pro-life' movement and opponent of sex education in schools.[20][21] The present Hon Secretary is Mrs Lynn Riley.


  1. ‘Into Every Home, Into Every Body’: Organicism and Anti-Statism in the British Anti-Fluoridation Movement, 1952–1960, Amy C. Whipple, Oxford University Press, 2010
  2. Elizabeth A McCarty, 'Irene May Lovelock' in Dictionary of National Biography OUP, 2004-08
  3. Gordon Beckles Willson, (1901-1954) wrote under the name Gordon Beckles, was a Daily Express journalist, and later Asst. Editor of the Daily Mail. He authored numerous popular books in the 1930s and 1940s as well as a film script. His twin daughters Janet and Patsy were among the famous 'Tony Twins' who appeared in TV and newspaper (hair product) commercials in the 1950s.
  4. 'Fleet Street, press barons and politics: the journals of Collin Brooks, 1932-1940, Ed. N. J. Crowson, Camden Fifth Series Vol.II, University of Cambridge, 1998, ISBN 0-521-66239-7
  5. Leader Magazine, 12 July 1947 issue, (a weekly pictorial magazine published by Picture Post, Hulton Press -closed in 1950)
  6. James Hinton, Women, Social Leadership, and the Second World War: Continuities of Class OUP, 2002
  7. Encyclopedia of British & Irish Politic Organisations, Peter Barberis, John McHugh, Mike Tyldesley, Continuum Imprint, London 2000, ISBN 1-85567-264-2
  8. Never Again: Britain 1945-1951 by Peter Hennessy, Penguin Books, ISBN 978-0-14-101602-3
  9. Prof. Michael Pugh, Regeneration of War-torn Societies, Basingstoke: Macmillan, 2000, p.291
  10. “Consensus and Consumption: Rationing, Austerity and Controls after the War” in the book “The Myth of Consensus” edited by Harriet Jones and Michael Kandiah, Macmillan Press 1996.
  11. Coercion or Persuasion: Propaganda in Britain after 1945, William Crofts, Routledge, London, pp. 99-109, especially p. 106 where the League's funding by the Road Haulage Association, then distantly threatened with nationalisation, is discussed. (Best account is Hinton's see sources). Dorothy Crisp is the historical figure who most resembles Margaret Thatcher
  12. 'The film cultures reader' By Graeme Turner, Routledge, 2002, ISBN 0-415-25281-4
  13. British Pathé newsreel 12 June 1947, "One Minute News". British Housewives League demonstrate in London. LS General view of the crowd of women in Trafalgar Square. CU a banner saying "We work and want" from the Bath Housewives league. BV of woman speaking from steps of Nelson's Column.
  14. British Pathé newsreel 12 June 1947, "One Minute News". British Housewives League demonstrate in London.
  15. Identity cards in Britain: past experience and policy implications, Jon Agar, 2005, Published Paper, History & Policy web-site (King's College, London), he is a lecturer at the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, University of Cambridge
  16. Article in 'The Herald Scotland', by David Leask, 7 Mar 2008,
  17. Mrs Mona McNee, B.A., T.D., P.C.T., M.B.E., from Liverpool, is an Independent Primary/Secondary Education Professional. She was awarded the MBE in 2008 for her work as a teacher of reading and writing, for voluntary service to education (Prescot, Merseyside). She developed a ‘Phonics Programme’ for her ‘Downs’ syndrome child, which has since been used successfully from children to adults to help with illiteracy. She stood un-successfully for the UK Independence Party at the 1999 European Parliament election, and again in the UK General election in 2001, as an Independent candidate for Meryside, Knowsley South. Has contributes many press articles ranging from politics to education and published books such as: "Step by Step", ISBN 0-9515794-0-1; "C-A-T = Cat: Teach Your Child to Read with Phonics" ; Publisher: Elliot Right Way Books, ISBN 0-7160-2123-4; "READING Step by step", Galore Park Publishing, ISBN 978-1-902984-83-4; "The Great Reading Disaster; Reclaiming our educational birthright" Publisher: Imprint Academic ISBN 978-1-84540-097-2
  18. According to a Freedom of Information response, (2009) the BBC has spent a massive £158,100 on Common Purpose training, the Department for Work and Pensions had spent £238,000 on Common Purpose courses between 2002 and 2007'
  19. Encyclopedia of British & Irish Politic Organisations, Peter Barberis, John McHugh, Mike Tyldesley, Continuum Imprint, London 2000, ISBN 1-85567-264-2
  20. Wilson 1980; Campbell, B. 1987
  21. Encyclopedia of British & Irish Politic Organisations, Peter Barberis, John McHugh, Mike Tyldesley, Continuum Imprint, London 2000, ISBN 1-85567-264-2
