Britain's Next Top Model (cycle 4)

Britain's Next Top Model, Cycle 4

Cycle 4 cast
Country of origin United Kingdom
No. of episodes 12
Original channel Living
Original run 21 April 2008 – 7 July 2008

Britain's Next Top Model, Cycle 4 is the fourth cycle of Britain's Next Top Model. The cycle, like the previous cycles, was aired on SkyLiving. The cycle was said to be "Bigger, better and bustier than ever before."

There were major changes in this cycle. The winner's prize changed and the judging panel also received a change; Icelandic fashion photographer Huggy Ragnarsson and Gerry Deveaux replaced two of the former judges, Paula Hamilton and Jonathan Phang.

This is the only cycle to feature a cast of 14 contestants (as finalists) until Cycle 6, rather than the usual 12 or 13. The international destination during this cycle was South Africa. The winner's prize was a contract with Models 1, a Max Factor Comestics campaign and a 6 page spread and cover of Company Magazine.

The winner was 18-year-old Alex Evans from Cranleigh, Surrey.

Episode Summaries

Aptitude and Natural Talent

Original Airdate: 21 April 2008

The 14 girls are interviewed by the press who ask them why they want to win. Lisa is disappointed in Aaron, Leanne and Martha for not saying they think they can win, but says she is turned on by Alex, who has brought along her pet badger for the duration of the competition. They later arrive at the model house and choose their beds.

The first challenge is about pairing up and picking their partners best and worst features. Lynzi and Sophie win the challenge and are rewarded with a trip to Spud-u-like with John Leslie. Upon their return Stefanie calls a house meeting over the kitchen being filthy and verminous.

The girls then receive Lisa Mail about their first photoshoot and later find out it's a topless shoot in the following pairs:

Model Pairs
Aaron & Martha
Alex & Stefanie
Catherine & Leanne
Charlotte & Rachael
Lauren & Lisa
Louise & Musayeroh
Lynzi & Sophie

At judging Leanne, Rachael and Catherine receive praise while Aaron, Sophie and Martha are criticised. The judges like Alex's photo. Sophie is eliminated for giving only one look throughout the entire photoshoot.

Poise and Composure

Original Airdate: 28 April 2008

The girls are sent on a crash course in dance with choreographer Supple. Supple is not impressed with the girls' freestyle moves and goes on to announce that only one person has potential - Leanne. The girls then get a runway lesson from top fashionista Jodie Marsh who has the girls walk in seven inch platform stilettos designed by Terry de Havilland. Leanne, having done well in the previous task, breaks down into tears after falling over during the runway challenge.

Jeanette and Terry then choose the best seven girls - Aaron, Catherine, Charlotte, Lauren, Lynzi, Martha and Rachael - to win this week's prize. The seven winners get to take part in a fashion show featuring the work of designer Michelle McManus - whose dresses are all made out of paper. The girls also wear the seven inch platforms they wore in the challenge earlier. At the photo shoot the theme is "Girl's Night Out" with all the girls getting different scenarios. Catherine is reduced to tears after Gerry asks her to look angry in her photoshoot but then tells her she looks more like a lunatic crossed with a horse.

Back at the house, Aaron is unhappy at the way she is treated in the house, which escalates into an argument which upsets Rachael, causing her to vomit outside.

At judging, some of the girls manage to pull off good photos with Stefanie, Rachael and Lisa being praised by the judges, but Catherine, Musayeroh, Alex, Martha, Aaron and Leanne receive harsh comments. In the end, Alex and Musayeroh end up in the bottom two and Musayeroh is sent home because the judges saw no model potential.

Style and Presentation

Original Airdate: 5 May 2008

The girls are told that they are getting their makeovers in a Lisa Mail. Once they arrive at the salon, they discover that all the mirrors have been covered with black paper - to prevent the girls from seeing themselves till the makeovers are completed. Some begin to cry at the thought of having their hair cut off but most the girls are happy with the final result.

The challenge was a bucking bronco advertisement for the ever so cheesy "Britain's Next Top Model Hairspray" in which they had to learn a script and bring some comedy to the challenge. Leanne was shocked once it was announced she had won and a lot of the girls (especially Lisa) were annoyed. Back at the house a split was caused as the more sensible girls (Martha, Lynzi, Lauren, Louise, Lisa, Stefanie and Catherine) stayed upstairs as the others led by Rachael made clothing out of kitchen utensils and rolled around naked in chip fat and mayonnaise.

For this week's photoshoot they had the added element of working with a small dog, however Aaron, Lauren and Lisa had to pose with larger sized dogs. Gerry was extremely impressed with Martha who brought emotion and poses to the shoot but was very annoyed with Louise who walked onto the shoot looking like she'd just been slapped in the face with a hot frying pan. Lisa and Rachael gave great shots but Stefanie and Lynzi lacked to produce anything editorial.

Contestant Theme
Aaron Stewardess
Alex Punk Rocker
Catherine Royal Queen
Charlotte Sexy Priest
Lauren Space Traveler
Leanne Hunter
Lisa Miserable Bride
Louise Upper Class Lady
Lynzi Cowgirl
Martha Gangster's Mom
Rachael Goodly 60's Chic
Stefanie Devil

At the judging panel, Martha became the most praised in the judging, as the judges were extremely impressed with Martha's big improvement from last week. The judges also praised Rachael and Lisa, both of them holding their constant of improvement from two weeks before. Rachael received again another first call-out, beating out Martha and Lisa. In the end, Louise and Lauren end up in the bottom two, and Louise is sent home.

Character and Personality

Original Airdate: 12 May 2008

The girls took part in a challenge for Jai Kudo glasses, to which the girls had to use their facial features to portray their set emotion, Stefanie excelled in this and won a set of Jai Kudo frames. They then later had to put together an outfit that showed their own personal style, in which Stefanie's glamour look is criticized, and Alex is again frustrated by her makeover. In the end, it is Charlotte that wins the challenge and is, coincidentally, booked by the client to walk the dogs of the staff in his office.

At the weekly photoshoot the eleven hopefuls were greeted by Gerry Deveaux and Giorgio Guidotti, of Italian fashion house, Primarni. Gerry explained the shoot was for the latest collection by SportMax – one of Max Mara's labels – and that the girls had to be photographed elegantly climbing out of a lowered sports car whilst retaining their dignity. Many of the girls struggle, much to the disappointment of the judges, in particular Lauren's focus and Stefanie's editorial potential is questioned. However, Charlotte, the week's challenge winner and Martha successful to impressed the judges.

In the elimination, Charlotte's belief of herself and successfully bring her personality comes through her photo, also with her ability to looked commercial and editorial at the same time plus her reward challenge win earned her a very clear first call-out. Martha is praised again this week, as are Aaron and Alex for bringing their personality to their photo.

However, at the end Lisa and Lauren were in the bottom two. Lauren leaves after her second consecutive appearance in the bottom two and Lisa is saved.

Exhibition and Spectacle

Original Airdate: 19 May 2008

The girls meet with TV star, Jeanette Krankie to learn interview skills, and are watched undercover by two magazine journalists who praise Charlotte for being the most relaxed, Leanne for her story which "many would like to hear about" and Lisa for playing up to her androgynistic look. They say that Catherine and Martha were really dull and not interesting enough. Stefanie reveals during the interview that she once dated Lee Ryan, which sparks some snide comments from the other girls, with Alex saying they were not interested by this fact at all.

The girls critique each other during the challenge, which involves walking down a spiral staircase with a beaver. Martha receives praise all round, as do Rachael and Lisa. Rachael wins the challenge, and chooses Charlotte and Aaron to share her prize of attending a showbiz party. At the house the remaining girls steal Aaron's electronic rabbit as a prank and take turns using it themselves. This causes tension on Aaron's return between Lynzi and Aaron, and in turn, Leanne and Aaron. Eventually almost all the girls end up arguing. Stefanie and Charlotte come to blows, as during an argument, Stefanie imitates Charlotte's Liverpudlian accent.

At the photoshoot, Huggy teaches the girls the 10 model commandments:

Contestant Commandment
Aaron Thou shalt work the camera at all times
Alex Thou shalt not steal from catwalk shows
Catherine Thou shalt kill for fashion
Charlotte Thou shalt date a rockstar
Leanne Thou shalt honour thy lipstick and mascara
Lisa Thou shalt be a slave to fashion
Lynzi Thou shalt always wear high heels
Martha Thou shalt always get thy beauty sleep
Rachael Thou shalt detox thy body at any given chance
Stefanie Thou shalt not worship any God other than the fashion Goddess

In judging, Stefanie shocking everyone in the place that she bought a very powerful photograph, thus earned her the first photo. Martha also highly praised, and when she was called second behind Stefanie she was told by Lisa that she produced "another beautiful picture". The judges say they like Alex's picture, but that she does not present herself as a model. Eventually Lisa, for the second time, and Lynzi fail to impress and land in the bottom two, and Lynzi being sent home.

Drama and Performance

Original Airdate: 26 May 2008

This week the girls learn some new choreography with Jodie Marsh, who has returned after training them in a previous episode. Alex and Aaron struggle with the dancing challenge, as do most of the girls except Stefanie who picked up the moves well. Yet, Stefanie did not win the challenge much to her disappointment, but was told she had a lot of potential. Ironically it was Alex who won, along with Rachael, Leanne and Catherine, who all performed their routine in a live concert.

For the photoshoot, the girls are told they are to pose for a Vengaboys album cover, and one of them will actually be used. The girls had to pose in a white space in bikinis, imagining they were at a beach. Leanne becomes very self-conscious about her body, and Charlotte laughs through most of her shoot, much to the annoyance of the photographer.

Lisa Snowdon decided she would treat the girls and had arranged for Deans of Magic, finalists on previous year of Britain's Got Talent - to come and make cocktails. All the girls enjoyed themselves, but Aaron once again drank too much.

At the judging panel, the judges were critical of a lot of photos, but praised Alex and Stefanie and announced Leanne as winner. Martha, Rachael, Catherine and Lisa produced poor photos, much to the disappointment of the judges. Charlotte is criticized by the judges for having a bad attitude. In the end it was Charlotte and Lisa in the bottom two. Lisa was sent home after being in the bottom two three consecutive weeks and her lack of confidence.

Intelligence and Originality

Original Airdate: 2 June 2008

The models face an acting challenge which includes a steamy kissing scene with guest actor Guy Burnett. The acting lesson serves as practice, as they later go on to film a commercial for jewellery, in which two girls are chosen as feature roles. It is revealed later at panel that the chosen girls are Alex and Catherine. The commercial causes a problem for Rachael as it involves moving around a set of fire, which she is afraid of, yet on set she seems to have no problem at all. This annoys Catherine and she confronts Rachael back at the house. Charlotte attempts to defend Rachael as she is angered by Catherine criticisms; Catherine retaliated stating Charlotte talks down to people. Leanne tries to calm things down and also defends Rachael, but is criticised by Catherine for being a "salamander".

The photoshoot this week is a couture shot where each girl had to portray a different emotion.

Contestant Emotion
Aaron Pious
Alex Sadness
Catherine Pleading
Charlotte Desire
Leanne Pure Evil
Martha Terrified
Rachael Happiness
Stefanie Anger

This caused problems for some of the girls, including Rachael, Martha and Leanne. Martha is criticised for having all the potential in the world but not using it, whereas the judges feel that Leanne lacks the versatility to be a high fashion model. In a shocking elimination, both girls are asked to leave, leaving Leanne devastated.

Imagination and Creativity

Original Airdate: 9 June 2008

The girls had to pose as different types of mannequins for their photoshoot:

Contestant Mannequin Style
Aaron Wicked
Alex Princess
Catherine Dominatrix
Charlotte Broken
Rachael Rocker
Stefanie Mad

Stefanie began to panic before her shoot as she did not have a chance to take her epilepsy medicine, and she was worried about the camera flash. She did not let the worry affect her shoot and delivered an excellent photo, which the panel admired.

In the judging, only Stefanie received praise from the judges in her "Mad Mannequin" pose. Alex was also praised with her ankle position, but Gerry said "there was a borderline between mannequin and coma", as Alex seems did not present in her photo and look sleepy. Aaron criticized for not looked evil enough, Catherine is told if her shot is cut in half, it would look better. Charlotte, in her "Broken Mannequin" pose, stated by Gerry that she is "really broken". And Rachael, is criticized for having only a "lucky shot".

It was Charlotte and Aaron who ended in the bottom two this week. Charlotte's photo was unsatisfactory as she lost the beauty in her facial expression, Aaron on the other hand showed beauty but lacked any energy in the shoot. In the end it was Aaron who was sent home as the judges agreed she should have progressed further by this stage in the competition.

Stamina and Endurance

Original Airdate: 16 June 2008

First, the girls are put through a series of circus 'acts' including a tightrope competition and swinging from a trapeze, which Alex has trouble with due to her fear of heights. Later, Stefanie confronts Alex about how Alex speaks badly of her behind her back; a row ensues, leaving Alex and Stefanie's friendship in tatters. The next day, the girls are asked to model dresses on plinths in Ipswich's streets for an hour, changing their poses every five minutes; the task was won by Rachael, who got not only to keep her dress but also to invite two friends along for scampi and chips (Charlotte and Stefanie), whereupon she was presented with a beautiful necklace. Back at the house, Catherine and Alex decide to play a series of pranks on the three absent girls, including rubbing soap onto their toothbrushes, putting lubricant in Rachael's deodorant and leaving Stefanie a disabled ferret in her knicker drawer. Before they return, Catherine's guilt gets the better of her and she disposes of the deodorant, but leaves the other pranks before pretending to sleep on the sofa with Alex. Upon the other girls' return, they confront Catherine and Alex, only for Alex to deny it was anything other than a 'harmless joke', as well as both the girls denying they touched the others' toothbrushes. Next, they are visited by Lisa herself, who reads them their Lisa-mail and presents them with 2 badgers each, whilst commenting Alex is not 'girly' enough. The girls then had to pose for beauty shots in Jenny Frost dresses, and under the designers direction, in the style of sporting events:

Contestant Sport
Alex Pole Vault
Catherine High Jump
Charlotte Long Jump
Rachael Hurdle
Stefanie Javelin Throw

During one of the most challenging photoshoots to date, Alex snipes about the style of badger given to her to Rachael, commenting it is not 'sexy' enough and provoking indignation from the hair and makeup director, whilst Catherine sneaks a peek at Charlotte's badger which is, of course, not permitted. She remarks Charlotte's pose is 'wanton' and that some people in the competition keep getting given easy shots whilst others are given more challenging ones, much to the annoyance of Stefanie who responds saying it was not fair to comment on other peoples performances. Later, when Charlotte brings Catherine up on this, Catherine denies all and claims she was only stating she felt her position was a bit more difficult. At the judging panel, whilst Alex nails the difficult shoot of holding her body completely horizontal, thus impressing the judges, and Catherine and Rachael achieve admirable photos, Stefanie is criticised for making her body appear 'four times its normal size', whilst Charlotte is told she looks as if she is 'giving birth to a badger in mid air'. Stefanie and Charotte end up being in the bottom two, with Charlotte being sent home for again, not delivering a good photo.

Beauty and Covergirl

Original Airdate: 23 June 2008

The girls start the week by attending a casting session with Lindsay-Dawn MacKenzie, in which the girls are judged on their overall look and performance. The girls then view an African Tribal dance in which Kate Lawler is carried in at the end. Kate informs the girls that whoever makes it through the next elimination, will continue the competition in South Africa.

They then meet up with Jim Bowen and Sophie Beresiner for a beauty editorial. Firstly, they looked at the girls portfolios in which they say Alex's look is not interesting and Catherine's is beyond ugly. Stefanie on the other hand was complimented on her look and versatility, and Rachael was heavily praised for her portfolio. The girls then did a beauty shoot in front of each other. When it was Rachael's turn to model, Alex got fidgety and indulged in some self-love, which Rachael found off-putting and rude. The girls then had to choose out of each other who was the best in that shoot, to which Alex and Rachael chose Catherine and Stefanie and Catherine chose Rachael. As it was a draw, Stefanie and Alex had to choose between themselves who out of Catherine and Rachael would win the challenge. Rachael realised Alex would not back down on her decision and therefore withdrew herself and Catherine won.

Back at the house, Rachael got annoyed with Alex's bad attitude and confronted her, to which Alex hid herself under her badger. Rachael said Alex was being childish about the discussion and did not seem to want to win as much as everyone else, to which Alex shouted back and then refused to acknowledge Rachael and Stefanie's opinions.

The photoshoot was for the cover of Asian Babes Magazine and whoever wins the competition will have this as the actual cover. Lisa was also there to interview the girls on how things were back at the house, to which Stefanie reluctantly mentioned Alex's badger which was still in the house, and Rachael revealed how much Alex was rude in the previous challenge and that she did not think Alex deserved to win on her badger alone. Lisa then questioned Alex and Alex assured her that she and her badger were determined to win and that Rachael had lied about not paying attention in the challenge, which is untrue.

At the judging panel, the girls were asked about why they thought they deserved to be Britain's Next Top Model, to which Stefanie's heartbreaking speech about her struggle to overcome her glamour look bored the judges. Stefanie's beauty shot was described as "tarty" and her cover showed her luscious look; however Charley Uchea said it looked as though she was "teenage daughter demanding a good shafting". Both Rachael's photos were also heavily praised by the judges. Catherine's beauty shot was praised by the judges but her lady garden was not well received. Alex's beauty shot was also praised, but her pose on the cover bothered some of the judges as she lost her badger.

In the end Catherine and Alex ended up in the bottom two this week. Lisa described Alex as having a badger, and Catherine as not having a badger. In a surprise twist, both were put through to go to South Africa and no one was eliminated.


Original Airdate: 30 June 2008

The girls headed to South Africa for the rest of the competition. They meet Neli, a top model from Cape Town and guide the girls for a tour in South Africa and later brought to her place to have dinner where got irritated with Rachael's actions in the dinner table about her reading a bible.

The girls trike and did a commercial for Cape Storm Hard door Clothing in both English and African languages while climbing a mountain, Alex and Catherine got mad at Rachael for again, acting scared even though she already done it before and still delivered a good commercial. Catherine won the challenge but accidentally peeked out the cue cards when Alex flashed it to her, causing for the other girls to accused her of cheating. She chose Alex to accompany her to a trip with fashion people on a boat.

For the photo shoot, the girls were photographed by Huggy Ragnarsson where they have to pose with African tribes. Alex and Catherine delivered well while Rachael and Stefanie struggled.

At the panel, Catherine was accused from cheating in her commercial causing her to break down, Rachael and Stefanie found themselves in the bottom two and eventually Rachael was eliminated in her first appearance in the bottom two.


Original Airdate: 7 July 2008

The final three contestants headed down to the safari for their last photo shoot in South Africa for Fake Bake international with the following animals:

Contestant Animal
Alex Iguana
Catherine Snake
Stefanie Tarantula

All three girls were praised by the judges. Lisa told Stefanie that she was a confident, sexy South African lady that has given the competition the best beauty shoots in the competition. Alex was told that the judges no longer saw her as the more promiscuous girl. Catherine was praised. Lisa later told the girls that they all won a campaign and Huggy will shoot it. After comparing both girls portfolio's Stefanie is eliminated, even though Catherine was more promiscuous.

Alex and Catherine celebrate for being in the final two with Lisa and told them that they will walk in different clothing line Lisa also teach the girls about their catwalk. They were also taught by Karen Burt about the their final runway. Alex opened the show, both girls were shafted.

The judges deliberated about their final runway, photos and journey throughout the competition. In the final deliberation, the screen reveals Alex to be Britain's Next Top Model.


(ages stated are at time of contest)

Contestant Age Height Hometown Outcome
Sophie Roberts 18 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Kings Lynn, England Eliminated in Episode 1
Musayeroh Barrie 20 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) London, England Eliminated in Episode 2
Louise Heywood 20 1.76 m (5 ft 9 12 in) Rochdale, England Eliminated in Episode 3
Lauren Donaldson-Stanley 18 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Portsmouth, England Eliminated in Episode 4
Lynzi Arnott 24 1.78 m (5 ft 10 in) Aldershot, England Eliminated in Episode 5
Lisa-Jane "Lisa" Fowler 22 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Potters Bar, England Eliminated in Episode 6
Martha Braddell 18 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Oxford, England Eliminated in Episode 7
Leanne Nagle 18 1.72 m (5 ft 7 12 in) Colchester, England
Aaron Hunt 18 1.73 m (5 ft 8 in) Nottingham, England Eliminated in Episode 8
Charlotte Denton 20 1.76 m (5 ft 9 12 in) Liverpool, England Eliminated in Episode 9
Rachael Cairns 19 1.74 m (5 ft 8 12 in) Leeds, England Eliminated in Episode 11
Stefanie Wilson 22 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) London, England Eliminated in Episode 12
Catherine Thomas 18 1.75 m (5 ft 9 in) Folkestone, England Runner-up
Alexandra "Alex" Evans 18 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Cranleigh, England Winner


Call-out order

Lisa’s Call-out Order
1 RachaelLisaRachaelCharlotteStefanieLeanneCatherineStefanieAlexRachaelAlex AlexAlex
2 LisaStefanieMarthaAaronMarthaAlexAlexCatherineCatherineStefanieCatherine CatherineCatherine
3 CatherineRachaelLisaMarthaCharlotteStefanieStefanieRachaelRachaelAlexStefanieStefanie
4 AlexLaurenAlexCatherineAaronAaronCharlotteAlexStefanieCatherineRachael
5 LouiseAaronLeanneAlexRachaelCatherineAaronCharlotte Charlotte
6 LaurenCharlotteCharlotteRachaelCatherineRachaelRachaelAaron
7 LeanneLynziAaronLeanneLeanneMarthaLeanne
8 StefanieLouiseCatherineStefanieAlexCharlotteMartha
9 CharlotteCatherineLynziLynziLisaLisa
10 LynziLeanneStefanieLisaLynzi
11 MarthaMarthaLaurenLauren
12 MusayerohAlexLouise
13 AaronMusayeroh
14 Sophie
     The contestant won the competition
     The contestant was part of a collective call-out with another contestant.
     The contestant was part of a non-elimination bottom two
     The contestant was eliminated

Photo Shoot Guide



Episode Viewing figures from BARB[1]

Episode Date Total Viewers Living Weekly Ranking
1 21 April 2008 353,000 1
2 28 April 2008 302,000 2
3 5 May 2008 311,000 1
4 12 May 2008 351,000 1
5 19 May 2008 321,000 2
6 26 May 2008 315,000 1
7 2 June 2008 296,000 2
8 9 June 2008 296,000 2
9 16 June 2008 274,000 2
10 23 June 2008 311,000 2
11 30 June 2008 361,000 3
12 7 July 2008 417,000 2


  1. "BARB". BARB. 25 April 2011.

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