Brigade de recherche et d'intervention

Logo of the BRI of Bayonne

The Brigades de Recherche et d'Intervention (Research and Intervention Brigades, BRI), often called "Anti-Gang Brigades", are elite police special units of the French Ministry of the Interior (Ministère de l'Intérieur).

They specialise in very serious cases of robbery or hostage kidnappings for the BRI of Paris (BRI-PP). For hostage kidnapping, the BRI-PP is supported by specialised units of the Préfecture de police and is nicknamed BRI-BAC ("Brigade Anti-Commando" Counter-commando Brigade) or "BRI en formation BAC". They typically attempt to catch offenders in the act after monitoring their activities.

The units have very modern equipment and are also in charge of collecting and archiving data about banditry.


See also

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