Brian R. Gaines

Brian R Gaines (born 1938(?)) is a British scientist, engineer, and Professor Emeritus Killam Memorial Research Professor and Director of the Knowledge Science Institute at the University of Calgary.


Gaines received his Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy from Trinity College, Cambridge, and he is a Chartered Engineer, and Chartered Psychologist.

His previous positions include Professor of Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto, Technical Director and Deputy Chairman of the Monotype Corporation, and Chairman of the Department of Electrical Engineering Science at the University of Essex. He was formerly Killam Memorial Research Professor, Dean of Graduate Studies, Associate Vice President (Research) and Director of the Knowledge Science Institute at the University of Calgary.

He was president of the Society for General Systems Research in 1979. He is Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers, the British Computer Society and the British Psychological Society.

He is editor of the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies and Knowledge Acquisition, and of the Computers and People and Knowledge-Based Systems book series.


Gaines research interests now include modeling the socioeconomic infrastructure of information technology, human–computer interaction, cognitive psychology, and systems theory.[1] More specific "the socio-economic dynamics of science and technology; the nature, acquisition and transfer of knowledge; software engineering for heterogeneous systems; and knowledge-based system applications in manufacturing, the professions, sciences and humanities".[2]

Gaines is one of the pioneers in what is known as stochastic computing, a term he used first[3] to characterize the highly attractive field when working at the Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd. (STL) in search of computational processors capable of learning during the 1960s. His


He has authored over 450 papers and authored or edited 11 books on a wide variety of aspects of computer and human systems.[4] A selection:


  1. Daniela E. Herlea Damian, Armin Eberlein, Mildred L.G. Shaw, and Brian R. Gaines (2000). "Using Different Communication Media in Requirements Negotiation". In: IEEE SOFTWARE. May/June 2000. p.28-36.
  2. Brian R. Gaines at Retrieved 10 June 2008.
  3. B.R. Gaines: Stochastic computing system, in: J. Tou (ed.): Advances in Information Systems Science, Plenum Press, New York 1969
  4. List of publications from The DBLP Computer Science Bibliography at Retrieved September 19, 2012.

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