Brian David Dynlacht

Brian David Dynlacht (born September 3, 1965 in Brooklyn, New York ), is a Jewish-American biochemist and Professor in the Department of Pathology of New York University School of Medicine. In 2002, Dynlacht reported the discovery of CCP110,[1] which is now thought to be at the center of a molecular switch governing the centriole to ciliary transition in mammalian cells.[2]


Brian David Dynlacht is the middle child of 3 children born to Sigmund (Zdzislaw) Dynlacht of Warsaw, Poland and Janice Deutsch Dynlacht of Brooklyn, New York.


Dynlacht is a graduate of Yale University where he first conducted research under the mentorship of Paul Howard-Flanders. He received a PhD in Biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley. Dynlacht carried out postdoctoral studies with Ed Harlow at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dynlacht has held faculty positions at Harvard University and New York University School of Medicine. As a graduate student at UC Berkeley with Robert Tjian, Dynlacht was the first to isolate TFIID. As a postdoctoral fellow with Edward E. Harlow at Harvard University, Dynlacht definitively proved for the first time, in vitro using purified proteins, the biochemical mechanism through which transcription can be directly repressed by the Rb tumor suppressor protein. This study also provided the first example of an in vitro transcription system that responds to regulatory events acting upstream of the binding of a transactivator.[3]


Dynlacht was appointed to the position of assistant professor in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Harvard University in 1995 and then associate professor in 1999. Dynlacht is currently a Professor in Pathology in the Laura and Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center of the New York University School of Medicine.

Awards and Honors

Dynlacht’s research has been recognized by a PECASE award in 1998. The Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) is the highest honor bestowed by the United States government on scientists and engineers in the early stages of their independent research careers. Dr. Dynlacht has also received numerous career awards including Kenneth G. and Elaine A. Langone Damon Runyon Scholar Award (1996), Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences (1998) and the Irma T. Hirchl Trust Career Award (2005).


  1. Chen Z, Indjeian VB, McManus M, Wang L, Dynlacht BD (September 2002). "CP110, a cell cycle-dependent CDK substrate, regulates centrosome duplication in human cells". Dev. Cell 3 (3): 339–50. doi:10.1016/S1534-5807(02)00258-7. PMID 12361598.
  2. Spektor A, Tsang WY, Khoo D, Dynlacht BD (August 2007). "CP110 suppresses a cilia assembly program". Cell 130 (4): 678–90. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2007.06.027. PMID 17719545.
  3. Dynlacht BD, Flores O , Lees JA, Harlow E (August 1994). "Differential Regulation of E2F transactivation by cyclin/cdk2 complex". Genes & Development 8 (15): 1172–86. doi:10.1101/gad.8.15.1772. PMID 7958856.