Brevet de Technicien Supérieur

The technician certificate (BTS) is a national diploma of French higher education, established in 1959. It is normally prepared in two years after graduating the Bac in a section of senior technician (STS). This is a level III diploma in the French diploma system. Graduation is on review. Unlike the Bac, there is no test to catch those who score slightly below the pass mark (10/20), but just a commission for the remedial students close to the pass mark.

It is prepared to choose from:

There are over a hundred specialty commercial, industrial or agricultural purposes (so called higher technician certificate agriculture (BTSA) and of the Ministry of Agriculture). BTS offer some options in the second year (e.g. for hotels or business computing).

Like all students, students have access to BTS under conditions of higher education scholarships, housing the regional center of the university and school (CROUS) and canteen.

If the BTS are a quick way to access a professional qualification, the LMD reform encourages holders of BTS, after a year equal to L2, to continue their studies until such professional license or DCG (L3). Obtaining higher technician certificate carries the acquisition of 120 European credits (ECTS).


This degree is intended for entry into the workforce, but a continuation of study can be considered. In fall 2007, 33.5% [1] of a BTS continued their studies.

BTS acquired, students can sometimes make a third year specialization which is equivalent to license, especially with the proliferation of openings since 1999 training type professional license.

The best of them can go in engineering schools, business schools, university, preparatory classes Diploma in Accounting and Management (DCG) or professionalized Institute (IUP), sometimes via adaptation preparatory classes for senior technician.

Training School

Institutions select according to these lists and academic records of the candidates. Notes of the last 2 years of High School are taken into account as well as assessments of teachers. The student applicant to the BTS is imperative to have a terminal level validated at least a Bac is not absolutely necessary as training and assessments of teachers. For some sections, CV and/or letter are required, although legally selection can be done on the file, the selection interview are of a legally questionable nature.

The rejection of an application after an interview may be appealed to the Administrative Court, used normally meets (jurisprudence). However, the use of these interviews is often whether an educational perspective and technical (files are sometimes insufficient to properly assess the candidate's ability to integrate training) and Integrating training - a fortiori after an appeal to the administrative court - does not guarantee success in the exam. Students of the University, IUT, engineering schools, etc.., who want to change formation, can also present the examination.

The BTS is particularly aimed at students who studied technological or professional. Since September 2006, admission is right for candidates enrolled in undergraduate professional section of the professional field corresponding to the BTS and asked who get as good or very good baccalauréat.

The environment is close to the high school years, by the place of education, the number of students per class and the workload.

The schools concerned can be private or public. Each school chose freely distribute it wishes the BTSs. For a list of schools providing training, the State has set up a portal

To find a list of training centers, you can refer to the ONISEP.[2]

Distance Learning (by correspondence)

Distance learning allows students to prepare BTS remotely. Load them to pass the exam. This training is suitable especially in the context of continuing professional education, because people who work can study in the evening or on weekends. Students must submit assignments that teachers refer noted and corrected. They pass the examination candidates with free classics students.

Distance education requires personal work and autonomy on the part of the student, but some organizations offer group sessions to review and preparations for oral.

Among the organizations distance learning: CNED, home school, ENACO, Educatel, cnfdi, absformation, during brace, CERCA Group École Supérieure d'Agriculture d'Angers.

Regulatory Context

All diplomas are organized around the same general rules defined by decree.

The content of the training for each specialty is developed by an advisory committee that meets Joint employers, employees and government. First defined professional activities which will engage the technician. From this, the certification standard diploma is established to define the capabilities, skills and knowledge associated. Evaluation situations are offered through an examination regulations. Other elements are also defined as the weekly schedule training school status. This information is included in a document called "repository" including downloadable on the site of the National Center for Educational Documentation.

Candidates are most often considered under its overall shape, that is to say all the tests in the same examination session. In case of failure, they have the ability to keep notes of the examination units greater than or equal to 10 at a later session and therefore the board did review units where they had not obtained the pass score.

The training curriculum includes periods of internship.
