Brennan Taylor

Brennan Taylor
Occupation role-playing games author, designer, and publisher

Brennan Taylor is an American role-playing games author and publisher.


Brennan Taylor is the CEO of Indie Press Revolution which he co-founded with Ed Cha of Open World Press in 2004.[1]:408 When Taylor hired Fred Hicks of Evil Hat Games as a part-time staff member, Ron Edwards felt that this resulted in an IPR which was less friendly to the small press that it was created to serve and left IPR.[1]:410 In 2010, Hero Games purchased Indie Press Revolution from Taylor and Cha.[1]:154 Although Taylor stepped down as President, he maintains a minority share.[2]

Taylor is also the owner of Galileo Games,[1]:408 best known for the games Bulldogs!, Mortal Coil, and How We Came To Live Here. He is also the author of Hard Boilded Empires: Solara, Old Gods: A Mortal Coil Campaign Frame, and The Jersey Side playset for the independent RPG, Fiasco.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Shannon Appelcline (2011). Designers & Dragons. Mongoose Publishing. ISBN 978-1-907702-58-7.
  2. "DOJ Company Announcement".

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