Brazilian National Archives

The restored building in Rio de Janeiro, which now houses the National Archives.

The Brazilian National Archives (in Portuguese: Arquivo Nacional) were created in 1838 under the name of "Imperial Public Archives". They took their present name in 1911.

The building housed from 1868, the old Brazilian Mint, which operated in it until 1983.[1] It is a jewel built in Neoclassical style with gneiss stone by the engineers Antonio Pinheiro Guimarães Francisco and Teodoro Antonio de Oliveira.[2] Access is given through a portal of classical composition with three pediments on the same facade, a solution which gives a palatial grandeur to the building.


  1. Ouvidoria MF. "Casa da Moeda do Brasil - CMB". Ministerio da Fazenda. Retrieved 24 November 2011.
  2. Cattan, Roberto Correia de Mello. A familia Guinle e a Arquitetura do Rio de Janeiro. PUC. p. 8.

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