Boy Gets Girl

Boy Gets Girl
Written by Rebecca Gilman
Characters Theresa Bedell
Howard Siegel
Mercer Stevens
Det. Madeleine Beck
Les Kennkat
Date premiered 13 March 2000
Place premiered Goodman Theatre, Chicago, Illinois
Original language English
Genre Drama
Setting various locales in New York City, in the present

Boy Gets Girl is a 2000 play by Rebecca Gilman. The play received its first production at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago.

Boy Gets Girl uses the story of what happens when a blind date turns into a living nightmare to examine stalking, sexism and the nature of the idea of romantic pursuit. Theresa Bedell is a smart, successful woman in her 30s, who writes for an upscale literary New York magazine. She is utterly devoted to her work and struggles with relationships.

Production history

Boy Gets Girl was first performed at the Goodman Theatre, on March 13, 2000. The cast was as follows:


A friend sets Theresa up on a blind date with a nice guy named Tony who works in the computer industry. It is awkward, but not too awkward as Theresa accepts a second date. (They even find a couple things in common such as both being from the Midwest.) By the end of this date, she realizes that he is not right for her and politely excuses herself from the date. Tony continues to intrude further into Theresa’s life, with unexpected visits to Theresa’s office and unsettling phone messages at her home. Theresa starts to worry as she realizes that Tony knows where she lives. At her co-worker's urging, she calls the police, but when Officer Beck investigates, Theresa realizes there is not much that the police can do. Beck suggests moving out of her apartment and changing her name. Despite all her efforts to avoid him by hiding in her work and opening up to her colleagues, she eventually realizes that he has and will always have control over her life. She eventually loses everything, including her identity, humanity, and will, as she changes her name and moves out of New York City to Denver, a shadow of the woman she once was.

Rebecca Gilman on Tony

"With Boy Gets Girl I felt that Tony would become scarier if we didn’t see him. So if he was somehow out there, our imagination of him and of what he had become would be a lot scarier than the reality of him especially because I wanted him to be played by a very likeable actor."[1]

Notable Performances

External links


  1. Gilman, Rebecca. Class Lecture. History of Chicago Theater. Frances Searle Building, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL. 6 February 2007.