Bous al carrer

Bous al carrer at Albocàsser

Bous al carrer, correbou or correbous (meaning in Catalan, bulls in the street) is a typical festivity in many villages in the Valencian region, Terres de l'Ebre, Catalonia and Fornalutx, Mallorca. Another similar tradition is soltes de vaques, where cows are used instead of bulls. Even though they can take place all along the year, they are most usual during local festivals (normally in August).

Compared to encierros, animals are not directed to any bullring.

Theories about the festivity

These festivities are normally organized by the youngsters of the village, as a way for showing their courage and ability with the bull. Some sources related this tradition, predominantly man-based, as a kind of initiation rite to adulthood.[1]

Polemics about the cruelty

The major difference with other bullfighting traditions is that the animal is not intended to be killed or physically injured. However, many opponents argue that they are mentally injured by the harassment and voicing of both participants and spectators, and some of animals may also die because of the stress, specially if they are roped or bring flares in their horns (bou embolat version).[2]

Despite all this, the festivities seem to have wide popular support in their villages [3]

See also


  1. Touristic leaflet. Festes de la Costa Blanca, Diputació Provincial d'Alacant, 2006, Alacant.
  2. Article sobre la crueltat dels bous al carrer. (Catalan)
  3. Article sobre la popularitat dels bous al carrer a les terres de l'Ebre. (Catalan)