Borel–Moore homology

In mathematics, Borel−Moore homology or homology with closed support is a homology theory for locally compact spaces, introduced by Borel and Moore (1960).

For compact spaces, the Borel−Moore homology coincide with the usual singular homology, but for non-compact spaces, it usually gives homology groups with better properties.

Note: There is an equivariant cohomology theory for spaces upon which a group G acts which is also called Borel cohomology and is defined as H^*_G(X) = H^*(EG\times_G X). This is not related to the subject of this article.


There are several ways to define Borel−Moore homology. They all coincide for spaces X that are homotopy equivalent to a finite CW complex and admit a closed embedding into a smooth manifold M such that X is a retract of an open neighborhood of itself in M.

Definition via locally finite chains

Let T be a triangulation of X. Denote by C_i^T ((X)) the vector space of formal (infinite) sums

 \xi = \sum_{\sigma \in T^{(i)} } \xi_{\sigma } \sigma.

Note that for each element

\xi \in C_i ^T ((X)),

its support,

|\xi | = \bigcup_{\xi_{\sigma}\neq 0} \sigma,

is closed. The support is compact if and only if ξ is a finite linear combination of simplices.

The space

C_i ((X))

of i-chains with closed support is defined to be the direct limit of

C_i^T ((X))

under refinements of T. The boundary map of simplicial homology extends to a boundary map

\partial : C_i ((X)) \to C_{i-1} ((X))

and it is easy to see that the sequence

 \cdots \to C_{i+1} ((X)) \to C_i ((X)) \to C_{i-1} ((X)) \to \cdots

is a chain complex. The Borel−Moore homology of X is defined to be the homology of this chain complex. Concretely,

 H^{BM}_i (X) = \ker \left (\partial : C_i ((X)) \to C_{i-1} ((X)) \right )/ \text{im} \left (\partial :C_{i+1} ((X)) \to C_i ((X)) \right ).

Definition via compactifications

Let X be a compactification of X such that the pair (X, X\X) is a CW-pair. For example, one may take the one point compactification of X. Then

H^{BM}_i(X)=H_i(\bar{X} , \bar{X} \setminus X),

where in the right hand side, usual relative homology is meant.

Definition via Poincaré duality

Let XM be a closed embedding of X in a smooth manifold of dimension m, such that X is a retract of an open neighborhood of itself. Then

H^{BM}_i(X)= H^{m-i}(M,M\setminus X),

where in the right hand side, usual relative cohomology is meant.

Definition via the dualizing complex

Let DX be the dualizing complex of X. Then

H^{BM}_i (X)=H^{-i} (X, D_X),

where in the right hand side, hypercohomology is meant.


 \cdots \to H^{BM}_i (F) \to H^{BM}_i (X) \to H^{BM}_i (U) \to H^{BM}_{i-1} (F) \to \cdots
H^{BM}_i \left (\mathbf{S}^1 \setminus p \right ) = \begin{cases} H_1\left (\mathbf{S}^1\right )  & i = 1 \\ 0 & i \neq 1 \end{cases}

However, if f, g : XY are two parallel homotopic proper maps then they induce the same map \ f_* = g_*:H^{BM}_* (X)\to H^{BM}_* (Y) in homology.
