Bonnie Devine

Bonnie Devine
Born Bonnie Devine
Toronto, Ontario
Nationality Ojibwe
Known for Installation, performance, sculpture, writing

Bonnie Devine is an Ojibway installation artist, performance artist, sculptor, curator, and writer from Toronto, Ontario.[1] She is currently the interim director of the Aboriginal Visual Cultural Program and associate professor in the faculties of Art and Liberal Studies at the Ontario College of Art and Design.[2]


Bonnie Devine was born in Toronto and is a member of the Serpent River First Nation.[1] In 1997 Devine graduated from the Ontario College of Art and Design, with degrees in sculpture and installation,[3] and she earned her master of fine arts degree at York University in 1999.[4]


As a conceptual artist, Devine works a variety of media. At a 2007 solo exhibition, Medicine River, at the Axéneo 7 art space in Quebec, she created eight-foot long knitting needles and knitted 250 feet of copper cable to bring attention to the contamination of the Kashechewan water system.[5] She has fashioned full-sized canoes from paper and works with natural materials such as reeds in her 2009 piece, New Earth Braid. She also created land-based installations.[2]


Devine's 2010 solo exhibition, Writing Home, curated by Faye Heavyshield, was reviewed in Border Crossings. [6] A solo exhibition of Devine's work, Bonnie Devine: The Tecumseh Papers was held at the Art Gallery of Windsor from September 27, 2013 to January 5, 2014. [7] Her work is featured in the Art Gallery of Ontario's exhibition Before and after the Horizon: Anishinaabe Artists of the Great Lakes. [8]

Awards and recognition

Devine has received numerous awards, including 2002 Best Experimental Video at the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts Festival, the Toronto Arts Awards Visual Arts Protégé Award in 2001, the Curry Award from the Ontario Society of Artists in 1999, a variety of awards from the Ontario College of Art and Design, as well as many grants and scholarships.[4] She has been chosen for the 2011 Eiteljorg Museum fellowship.[9]

Published work


  1. 1.0 1.1 "Bonnie Devine." Centre for Contemporary Canadian Art. (retrieved 30 Nov 2010)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Rubisova, Lena. "Faculty Profile: Bonnie Devine." Ontario College of Art and Design. 11 Jan 2010 (retrieved 30 Nov 2010)
  3. "About the Artist: Bonnie Devine." University of Toronto (retrieved 30 Nov 2010)
  4. 4.0 4.1 "Bonnie Devine Biography." University of Toronto (retrieved 30 Nov 2010)
  5. "Medicine River: Bonnie Devine." Axéneo 7. 2007 (retrieved 30 Nov 2010)
  6. Karlinsky, Amy. "Bonnie Devine." Border Crossings vol.29, no.2 (May 2010)
  7. "Bonnie Devine: The Tecumseh Papers." Art Gallery of Windsor (retrieved 27 September 2014).
  8. "Before and after the Horizon: Anishinaabe Artists of the Great Lakes." Art Gallery of Ontario (retrieved 27 September 2014).
  9. "Five artists named 2011 Eiteljorg Fellows." Eiteljorg Museum. 2010 (retrieved 30 Nov 2010)


External links