Bolivian regional election, 2010

The 2010 Bolivian regional elections were held on 4 April 2010. Departmental and municipal authorities were elected by an electorate of approximately 5 million people. Among the officials elected are:

Political parties participating

The political parties contesting elections in each department are as follows:

Including these parties, a total of 191 political forces contested municipal elections. Only the Movement towards Socialism was involved in all 337 municipal contests.[3] Other parties participating in large numbers of contests are as follows:

Party Number of Municipalities Mayors elected[4]
Movement towards Socialism 337 231
Without Fear Movement 176 21
Movement for Sovereignty 53 6
Front for Victory 50 2
Patriotic Social Alliance 38 2
VERDES, Truth and Social Democracy 33 15
National Unity Front 31
Broad Front of MNR and Autonomy for Bolivia 31 2
All for Santa Cruz 30
Social Alliance 22 1
Beni First 19 8
MNR-Pueblo 19 3
Popular Solidarity Alliance 16
Originary Popular Movement 15
Revolutionary Nationalist Movement 15
Popular Consensus 15 8
All for Cochabamba 12 0

Irregularities, alleged fraud, and additional voting

Irregularities and fraud in the voting have been alleged in at least four departments, those of the so-called media luna, Beni, Pando, Tarija, and Santa Cruz. In all four departments, the MAS-IPSP has denounced fraud and called for legal action against those responsible, some times joined by opposing political parties. Departmental Electoral Courts have invalidated votes at a number of voting tables where fraud or irregularities have been confirmed. Voters enrolled at these tables were called to cast votes again on April 18.


Departmental results

As of 12 Abril, with counting nearly complete, all Governor's contests were effectively decided. The MAS-IPSP won 6 governorships, in Chuquisaca, Cochabamba, La Paz, Oruro, Pando, and Potosí. Victors in other races were: Beni First's Ernesto Suárez, Rubén Costas of the Greens in Santa Cruz, and Mario Cossío of the Path towards Change in Tarija.

Complete vote totals are as follows:


  Beni departmental election, 2010
Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members
24 elected by territory
  Ernesto Suárez Beni First 64.055 42,5% 11
  Jessica Jordan Movement for Socialism 60.477 40,1% 10
  Nationalist Revolutionary Movement-Pueblo 18.269 12,1% 3
  Amazon Convergence 5.949 3,9% 0
  Autonomous Nationalities for Change and Empowerment 1.894 1,3% 0
Indigenous Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres 2
Peasant Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres 2
  Valid votes 150.644 91,6%
  Blank votes 8.739 5,3
  Null votes 5.009 3,0%
  Total votes 164.392 86,8% of registered voters 28
Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional

The indigenous representatives were elected separately in an Assembly of the Indigenous People of Beni held in the Pastoral Center of the Apostolic Vicarate of Beni on 22 March 2010. Lola Tabo (of the Cavineño people, nominated by the Central Indígena de la Región Amazónica de Bolivia, CIRABO) and William Cuellar (Sirionó, nominated by the Central de Pueblos Indígenas del Beni, CPIB) were elected as departmental assembly members. Inocencio Yubanure (Mojeño-Ignaciano, nominated by the Central de Pueblos Étnicos Mojeños del Beni, CPEMB) and Dolores Muiba Noza (Mojeño-Trinitario, nominated by the Central de Mujeres Indígenas Beni, CMIB) were the chosen alternates.[10]


  Chuquisaca departmental election, 2010
Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members by Territory Votes for Assembly by Population Percentage Assembly Members by Population Total Assembly Members
  Esteban Urquizu Movement for Socialism 109.270 53,6% 9 90.921 53,3% 6 15
  Jhon Cava We Are All Chuquisaca 72.314 35,5% 1 53.801 31,5% 3 4
  Renewing Freedom and Democracy (LIDER) 8.752 4,3% 0 10.012 5,9% 0 0
  Bernabé Paredes Without Fear Movement 8.044 3,9% 0 9.799 5,7% 0 0
  Horacio Poppe Falange F-19 5.476 2,7% 0 6.127 3,6% 0 0
Indigenous Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres by the Guaraní people 2
  Valid votes 203.856 86,3% 170.660 72,4%
  Blank votes 19.966 8,5% 55.051 23,4%
  Null votes 12.439 5,3% 9.849 4,2%
  Total votes 236.261 86,7% of registered voters 10 235.560 86,4% of registered voters 9 21
Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional


  Cochabamba departmental election, 2010
Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members by Territory Votes for Assembly by Population Percentage Assembly Members by Population Total Assembly Members
  Edmundo Novillo Aguilar Movement for Socialism 415.245 61,9% 16 360.785 60,7% 11 27
  Marvell José María Leyes Justiniano National Unity Front-Popular Consensus (All for Cochabamba) 174.175 26,0% 0 147.442 24,8% 4 4
  José Ronald Del Barco Alcocer Without Fear Movement 52.516 7,8% 0 63.614 10,7% 1 1
  María Casta Jaimes Arriaran Nationalist Revolutionary Movement 29.250 4,4 0 22.800 3,8% 0 0
Indigenous Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres by the Yuqui and Yuracaré peoples 2
  Valid votes 671.186 81,9% 594.641 72,7%
  Blank votes 111.510 13,6 183.077 22,4%
  Null votes 36.905 4,5% 40.713 5,0%
  Total votes 819.601 87,2% of registered voters 16 818.431 87,1% of registered voters 16 34
Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional

La Paz

Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members by Territory Votes for Assembly by Population Percentage Assembly Members by Population Total Assembly Members
  César Cocarico Movement for Socialism 534.563 50,0% 19 407.949 46,9% 11 30
  Simón Yampara Without Fear Movement 23,2 1 251.400 28,9% 6 7
  Carlos Hugo Laruta National Unity Front 159.499 14,9% 0 107.026 12,3% 2 2
  Lino Villca Movement for Sovereignty 67.863 6,3% 0 49.862 5,7% 1 1
  Julio Tito Condori Patriotic Social Alliance 30.361 2,8% 0 28.542 3,3% 0 0
  Einar Calderón Nationalist Revolutionary Movement 29.152 2,7 0 24.620 2,8% 0 0
Indigenous Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres 5
  Valid votes 1.069.234 79,8% 869.399 65,0%
  Blank votes 190.967 14,3 403.715 30,2%
  Null votes 79.475 5,9% 64.527 4,8%
  Total votes 1.339.676 89,1% of registered voters 20 1.337.641 88,9% of registered voters 20 45
Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional, Boletín 22: Explicación asignación de escaños departamentales


Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members by Territory Votes for Assembly by Population Percentage Assembly Members by Population Total Assembly Members
  Santos Tito Movement for Socialism 107.576 59,6% 15 83.220 56,1% 10 25
  Iver Pereira Vásquez Without Fear Movement 53.111 29,4 1 47.319 31,9% 5 6
  National Unity Front 13.933 7,7% 0 12.277 8,3% 1 1
  Guillermo Zolá Eugenio Nationalist Revolutionary Movement 5.800 3,2% 0 5.612 3,8% 0 0
Indigenous Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres 1
  Valid votes 180.420 81,5% 148.428 67,1%
  Blank votes 28.055 12,7 62.222 30,2%
  Null votes 12.939 5,8% 10.706 4,8%
  Total votes 221.414 87,5% of registered voters 16 221.356 87,4% of registered voters 16 33
Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional, Boletín 22: Explicación asignación de escaños departamentales


  Potosí departmental election, 2010
Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members by Territory Total Assembly Members
  Luis Adolfo Flores Movement for Socialism 17.192 49,7% 7 7
  Paulo Jorge Bravo Popular Consensus 16.744 48,4% 8 8
  Egidio Tuesta Without Fear Movement 657 1,9% did not contest
Indigenous Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres 1
  Valid votes 34.593 93,4%
  Blank votes 1.292 3,5%
  Null votes 1.168 3,2%
  Total votes 37.053 85,5% of registered voters 15 16
Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional


  Potosí departmental election, 2010
Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members by Territory Votes for Assembly by Population Percentage Assembly Members by Population Total Assembly Members
  Félix Gonzáles Movement for Socialism 163.989 66,8% 16 123.663 63,1% 11 27
  Richard Alejo Social Alliance 31.564 12,9% 0 39.152 20,0% 3 4
  Orlando Careaga Uqarikuna Citizen Association 27.873 11,4% 0 13.569 6,9% 1 1
  Miguel Ángel Pineda Potosí Regional Civic Front 15.960 6,5% 0 14.275 7,3% 1 1
  Guillermo Condori Ramos Revolutionary Nationalist Movement 6.066 2,5% 0 5.171 2,6% 0 0
  Valid votes 245.452 80,4% 195.830 64,2%
  Blank votes 37.311 12,2% 96.033 31,5%
  Null votes 22.599 7,4% 13.226 4,3%
  Total votes 305.362 83,2% of registered voters 16 305.089 83,1% of registered voters 16 32
Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional

Santa Cruz

  Santa Cruz departmental election, 2010
Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members by Territory Votes for Assembly by Population Percentage Assembly Members by Population Total Assembly Members
  Rubén Armando Costas Aguilera Truth and Social Democracy (Verdes) 515.370 52,6% 7 411.019 50,6% 5 12
  Jerjes Justiniano Talavera Movement for Socialism 374.326 38,2% 6 294.948 36,3% 3 9
  Juan Carlos Urenda All for Santa Cruz 43.929 4,5% 0 46.591 5,7% 0 0
  Willams Paniagua Yépez Broad Front of Revolutionary Nationalist Movement and Autonomy for Bolivia 25.031 2,6% 2 34.709 4,3% 0 2
  José Carlos Gutiérrez Vargas Without Fear Movement 11.530 1,2% 0 17.016 2,1% 0 0
  Érika Oroza Werner Nationalist Citizen Force 8.937 0,9% 0 8.660 1,1% 0 0
Indigenous Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres 5
  Valid votes 979.123 93,0% 812.943 78,3%
  Blank votes 39.955 3,8% 203.015 19,5%
  Null votes 33.348 3,2% 22.929 2,2%
  Total votes 1.052.426 85,9% of registered voters 15 1.038.887 84,7% of registered voters 8 28
All party percentages are the percent of valid votes. Percentages of valid, blank, and null votes are the percent of total votes emitted. Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional


  Tarija departmental election, 2010
Gubernatorial Candidate Party Votes for Governor Percentage Assembly Members by Territory Assembly Members by Population Total Assembly Members
  Mario Adel Cossio Cortez Path to Change (MNR - CDC - FRI alliance) 97.726 48,9% 5 6 11
  Carlos Cabrera Movement for Socialism 88.014 44,1% 5 6 11
  Edwin Flores National Power of Autonomy 13.909 7,0% 2 3 5
Indigenous Representatives Elected through usos y costumbres by the Guaraní, Weenhayek, and Tapiete peoples 3
  Valid votes 199.649 88,7%
  Blank votes 16.827 7,5%
  Null votes 8.574 3,8%
  Total votes 225.050 85,0% of registered voters 12 15 30
All party percentages are the percent of valid votes. Percentages of valid, blank, and null votes are the percent of total votes emitted. Source: Corte Nacional Electoral, Acto de Computo Nacional

Mayors results

As of 12 April, MAS-IPSP had won the Mayor's race in 229 of the country's 337 municipalities.[11] However, among major cities (the departmental capitals plus El Alto) it won just three, Cochabamba, Cobija (Pando Department), and El Alto. Without Fear Movement candidates will be Mayors of La Paz (Luis Revilla) and Oruro. Regional candidates won in the following major cities: Jaime Barrón (PAÍS) in Sucre, Óscar Montes (Unidos para Renovar) in Tarija, Percy Fernández in Santa Cruz, Moisés Shriqui (Beni First) in Trinidad, and René Joaquino (Social Alliance) in Potosí.[12]

Other municipal results are as follows:


  1. Corte Nacional Electoral, Elecciones departamentales y municipales 2010.
  2. Corte Nacional Electoral, ¿Qué eligiremos el 4 de abril?.
  3. "Elecciones en Bolivia," Bolivia Prensa, 3 April 2010.
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 "MAS ganó en 231 alcaldías". Los Tiempos. 2010-05-16. Retrieved 2010-05-21.
  5. 5.0 5.1 "CDE cruceña anula 117 mesas y sospecha de adulteraciones," La Prensa, 12 April 2010.
  6. "Suárez gana a Jordan en Beni, y el Vice cuestiona su legitimidad," La Prensa', 12 April 2010.
  7. CNE: nueva votación en 5 mesas en Pando, el domingo 18, Agencia Boliviana de Información, 10 April 2010.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Iván Paredes, "Costas pide al MAS que reconozca resultados," La Razón, 13 April 2010.
  9. "MAS pierde una Alcaldía cruceña por cinco votos," Los Tiempos, 20 April 2010.
  10. Elección de Asambleístas Indígenas en el Beni,, 2010.
  11. "Evo muestra con datos que el MAS crece," Cambio, 12 April 2010.
  12. Javier Badani, "El voto en las regiones impulsó a cinco frentes políticos locales," La Razón, 12 April 2010.
  13. Ballivián, Eliana (2010-05-07). "MSM, segunda fuerza en Cochabamba". Los Tiempos. Retrieved 2010-05-21.
  14. 14.0 14.1 "Sólo habrá 2 alcaldesas; en concejales van pares". Los Tiempos. 2010-05-09. Retrieved 2010-05-21.
  15. "Revilla gana en La Paz con 48,5%," La Razón, 10 April 2010.
  16. Castel, Jorge. "Ana Lucía Reis alcaldesa ecologista". La Razón (12 April 2010 ed.).